Monday, November 28, 2011

Tuesday November 29, 2011

Back in the saddle.  School is in.  Tessie went to storytime.  I did two WODs.  I forgot that Tessie falls asleep on the way home when we go shopping after stortytime so my plan to run was foiled.  Two WODs and I feel like I did some work.  Next WOD:

Max reps:

2 minutes Box jumps
1 minute rest
2 minutes Crossfit Pushups
1 minute rest
2 minutes Pullups/chinups
1 minute rest
2 minutes push press
1 minute rest
2 minutes Sumo deadlift high pull

The intent is for 10 minutes of very high intensity work. . . the rest breaks should allow you to comfortably transition from one exercise to the next, catch your breath and hit it hard. 

Post # of reps and weights used for PP and SDHP to comments

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Monday November 28

That is the day. . . at least where you are.  I feel good about all the things I have done with the girls this past week.  I may have short-changed myself in a few areas, but they had a good week. 


3 RFT (Rounds for Time)
10- OHS (Overhead Squats
30 DU's (Double Unders)

I am not in that much of a hurry to start abbreviating yet, but its a good thing for you to learn the abbreviations so you don't wander into a gym someday and have no idea what you should be doing. 

My hope is that with school going again tomorrow I can get a run in and do this WOD.  If I am lucky I will sneak in another later in the day, but I have new Chemistry and my Crossfit Kids reading to do.  Maybe a WOD and a run. 

At some point here you need to take a rest.  I have kind of lost track of where you are in the sequence.  I owe you some explanations of exercises and another programming email so you have the list just in case you can't always access this here blog.  If you have done 5 or more WODs since your last rest day you should take one.  It sounds like you have been diligent and hitting it pretty hard.  You need to give your body that day off to adapt some of the changes. 

So there is that.  No beer today. . . a little too much of something last night while the girls and I had a "puzzle party."  We did puzzles, ate snacks and had juice drinks.  It was the kicker in my juice drinks that has me a little dry today. 

Back on the straight and narrow of diet and exercise tomorrow.  OHS and DU is a good way to kick it off.

Friday, November 25, 2011


I am not sure whether or not Lisa has done the prescribed workout for today or not.  I know that with the Thanksgiving and other things there were some misses.

So the workout for the day is:

30 Turkish Get ups for time (15 per arm)

If that has already been done or if you are in the mood for a tougher workout or a double day the next one coming is a bit tougher.

Run 1 mile
25 burpees
50 CF Pushups
75 Situps
100 Air Squats
Run 1 mile

With my new injury I should be able to do the TGU workout.  I am not sure how burpees and pushups will go.  I may sub in box jumps and maybe shoulder press for those two if I feel any throbbing during the warmup.

I painted the girls toe nails today.  My Chemistry professor told me to wait on my quiz as she is going to answer my questions in the morning.  I think I have figured most of it out with my intensity and focus.  That and a thumb that kept me "out of the gym" today.  I made Gwen wash the dishes because I am supposed to keep my wound dry.  I might have to milk it on that front. 

I got the skinny on canning from my father and as soon as I buy some jars will send you (Lisa) some cranberry.  If that goes well then perhaps I will can up some more stuff.

Go nimrods!  That's what we gotta do.  I loved that commercial, but have no idea why it just came to mind.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving night gives way to the made up holiday.

Black friday is a joke.  What started out as a "clever" name to refer to the day when all the psychos were trying to get a jump on things and knock out their holiday shopping has turned into a day with its own ad campaign.  When I saw more ads for "black friday" than I did Thanksgiving this week I knew our society had gone off the rails.  But that is not what I came here to talk about.  I came to talk about the draft. . . oh wait, wrong story.

So today was a full day.  Turkey trot with the girls. . . lunch, dinner. . . things didn't go off without a hitch though.  No holiday is complete without a trip to the urgent care.  Thankfully it was me and not the girls.  When I go however, you know it was a must. 

So now I am on a medically mandated break from certain exercises and I am the proud of owner of some stitches to hold my thumb together.  It was pretty scary to see it deflate like a raisin and ooze blood.  No panic though. . . I calmly told the girls I had hurt myself and needed to seek medical attention.  I bound it up tight for the trip, Ione began sobbing.  Once it was bound I said "f" it and finished cooking.  We went to Thanksgiving lunch.  It throbbed, my head hurt and it continued to bleed.  Finally, John told me I should really go and get it looked at.  I did.  After hearing my story the doctor who was giving me sutures said, "you need to thank whoever told you to come in, this is even deeper than it looks."  She gave me a two point nerve test.  Sounds fancy, but it isn't.  Radial nerve is still intact.  Strength and range of motion test.  Check, the tendon is still intact.  So even with stitches there is a little blood loss. 

Anyway, we ended up being late for our second "thanksgiving date."  We still made it.  We had another Thanksgiving dinner that couldn't be beat, and eventually we won't get up until the next morning.  I am betting I will get a phone call from Officer Laurie (who learned of the wound while on the phone with the girls). 

So this Thanksgiving I am thankful for my wife and my children.  I am thankful for my family and my pets.  I am thankful for the kindness of friends.  I am thankful for the compassion of people whom I have known a short time but treat me the way they would their family.  And last but not least, I am thankful for two opposable thumbs. 

Our turkey trot was a success.  26:40 to get around the 2 mile or so loop.  Ione whined a lot, but we all made.  Tessie did a great job.  Gwen could have gone faster.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

A change in programming for the day.  Find some turkeys and then trot with them.  I have three turkeys here with me and they have all agreed to go for a trot in the morning. 

So the workout for Thanksgiving:

Turkey trot. . . as long as you care to go.  As fast as the turkeys are capable of going.  Post story to comments.

Happy Thanksgiving. 


So lets try and get this lined up with the day better.  Tuesday is over and was a good but crazy day.

Workout for tomorrow:

10 Clean and Jerk
2 Box Jumps

8 Clean and Jerk
4 Box Jumps

6 Clean and Jerk
6 Box Jumps

4 Clean and Jerk
8 Box Jumps

2 Clean and Jerk
10 Box Jumps

This should be a pretty fast workout.  I will probably go with 135#.  I would like to go more, but don't want to risk compromising form trying to go fast and tweak my back.  135 is a workout but safe because it allows for mechanical consistency.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Today was a full day.  Tessie allowed her sisters to attend storytime with her.  They each made a turkey craft.  Ione and Tessie attended a playdate with their two sister friends.  Gwen got to hang out with Dad and it didn't take long for her to have a friend from the up the street over.  All this action served to keep everyone moving, but I spaced out on Daisy Scouts.  So now I am burdened with guilt.  With a heavy heart I post the workout for tomorrow.  No beer tonight even though the Patriots were on Monday Night Football.

Accumulate 1 minute of handstands (using a wall is okay) then. . .

10 Front squats
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
30 Push Press
40 Double Unders
50 Situps

I am going to try and hold the weight for the first three lifts the same.  I think I can do it with 115.  SDHP  will be the question mark.  Double unders should be tough with the legs quivering a little bit, but the push press should be a nice "rest" for the legs.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Take it Easy Today

Rest day for Lisa.  No workout today.  For me I will spin the wheel and pick a workout off of one of my favorite sites.  The kids and I went to Filippi's Pizza Grotto for Tessie's birthday lunch.  Some "Fun-da-middles" cupcakes answered the bell for the birthday party.

The girls played with their NASCAR matchbox cars using the Little People airport circle as a racetrack.  I had explained to them that today was the last "racecar race" of the year and either the 99 or the 14 car was going to be champion.  So, Tony Stewart won the race and the championship.  Lisa, go ahead and congratulate your Stewart-fan colleague. 

So where is the beer?  I had a Sam Adams at the pizza grotto.  The beer selection was pretty lean.  The Sam Adams must have been an IPA of some sort, because it was too hoppy to be Boston Lager.  I enjoyed a couple of local brews at home in the afternoon.  Stone Brewing Pale Ale and Karl Strauss Amber Lager. 

Its a rainy night in San Diego.  Free water!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

So. . . Lisa Told Me to Start a Blog

Why will I blog?  I don't know actually.  I feel kind of weird.  Why is anything that I have to say any more important than the thousands of other things you could read on the internet.  The correct answer? It is not.  I will blog to pass information to my wife on workouts while she is away.  I will do the workouts myself.  I will write about beers I drink or breweries or bars I visit.  I will tell tales of the crazy things my kids and dog do.  Why?  Why not?  This blog is a blank canvas.  Maybe it will be funny.  Perhaps serious.  I don't really know.  Lisa, this is for you.  I will post the workout and then perhaps a little more.  For tomorrow (Sunday) we agreed to do:

5 Rounds for Time
10 Pullups (we said 1 pullup for embryonic pullups until scaling methods are secured)
10 Deadlifts  I will go with 185#
15 Box Jumps
20  Situps

I will sneak this in between cooking the kids breakfast and taking them to Sunday school.  Tomorrow is Tessie's Birthday. . . I am not sure a workout should be called "Tessie" if it doesn't have squats.  All the same, it is her day.