Sunday, November 27, 2011

Monday November 28

That is the day. . . at least where you are.  I feel good about all the things I have done with the girls this past week.  I may have short-changed myself in a few areas, but they had a good week. 


3 RFT (Rounds for Time)
10- OHS (Overhead Squats
30 DU's (Double Unders)

I am not in that much of a hurry to start abbreviating yet, but its a good thing for you to learn the abbreviations so you don't wander into a gym someday and have no idea what you should be doing. 

My hope is that with school going again tomorrow I can get a run in and do this WOD.  If I am lucky I will sneak in another later in the day, but I have new Chemistry and my Crossfit Kids reading to do.  Maybe a WOD and a run. 

At some point here you need to take a rest.  I have kind of lost track of where you are in the sequence.  I owe you some explanations of exercises and another programming email so you have the list just in case you can't always access this here blog.  If you have done 5 or more WODs since your last rest day you should take one.  It sounds like you have been diligent and hitting it pretty hard.  You need to give your body that day off to adapt some of the changes. 

So there is that.  No beer today. . . a little too much of something last night while the girls and I had a "puzzle party."  We did puzzles, ate snacks and had juice drinks.  It was the kicker in my juice drinks that has me a little dry today. 

Back on the straight and narrow of diet and exercise tomorrow.  OHS and DU is a good way to kick it off.


  1. 6:00 on the button with 75# for OHS. First round was the hardest for some reason. I am guessing because I haven't done them in a while.

    Did the turkish get up WOD before with 18# Kettlebell to maintain good mechanics and intensity (and honestly to get more warmed up as it took me a while today) and finished in 7:54. I may have done a few extra reps above the 30 because I am not a rep shaver and when I lose count I go back to the last known number.

  2. OH Squats: Light bar + 15 kg. I decided to remain light as my form was as good as it got with this amount of weight
    DU: First round, did 3 for 1; second and third rounds did DU. I'm getting better, for sure. I'm now able to do "in a row"--well skip, skip, DU, skip, skip, DU--for up to ten reps. Not bad.

    Total time: 18:00-ish; I have to look and correct.

    Elliptical: 30 mins; 3-ish miles. Gotta get in my machine-cardio!

  3. (Curses! I can't edit my comments? Now I know.)

    I started out this workout with GAWU and a 15 min/1+ mile run.

    WOD total time: 13:51--so, I was a few minutes off!
