Thursday, June 28, 2012


Since I am posting in the morning I have a new muse.  My breakfast.  This morning I chopped up the portion of the onion that didn't go in last night's tuna salad and mixed in with the eggs.  Then I added some cheese and turkey and bang!  What a great omelette.  I have guilt associated with eating cheese, but it was so delicious.  I have guilt eating bread too.  Paleo is somehow embedded in my brain.  I am sort of on the Zone Diet.  I know that with the Zone there is no "sort of" but I am using the principles of its portions and ratios.  It is just tough to fit beer into any performance diet.  I am performing well though so I won't complain.  Maybe if I get more strict on the Zone I can see what happens.  It is worth a shot.

The WOD:

For Time
50 Air Squats
10 Push Press
40 Air Squats
15 Pullups
30 Air Squats
20 Push Press
20 Air Squats
25 Pullups
10 Air Squats
30 Push Press

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Chick Flicks

Okay.  I will admit that I have seen way more than my share of the made up genre of "chick flicks."  I am a good sport about it.  I think.  I have seen plenty of Sandra Bullock and Rene Zellweger movies.  I have seen all of the Twilight movies.  I have gone way past just movies though.  If I leave the living room and the remote control is unguarded I can quickly go from the seventh inning stretch to "Sex and the City."  I can (and sometimes do) watch sports 24/7.  So when I return to the Dodgers vs. Giants game and find that Lisa has pirated the remote and has us watching reruns of Sex and The City and America's Got Talent I just grin and bear it.  I don't mind all that much as it makes her happy. 

The really disturbing part for me however was when we were watching last night and I remembered an episode.  Not only that, but I remembered other episodes because I saw certain characters and I know there is a plot line that involves the bald lawyer and the dark-haired girl.  I actually wonder why she isn't in more movies as she is very attractive and could surely be a leading lady. . . unless she doesn't act that well.  Anyway, this is the part that has me worried.  I know enough about these shows to have thoughts like that.  I know that the next Twilight movie comes out in November.  Do most men even know what Twilight is?

Oh well.  I can also tell you that Tim Lincecum is having an off year.  Kevin Youkilis has had hits in both games he played for the White Sox and R.A. Dickey is baffling people with the knuckle ball.

The WOD:

10:2  Handstand Pushups: Burpees

Skills:  Work on Double Unders

Monday, June 25, 2012


Lisa, the girls and I spent some time on a pub crawl in Vista, California this weekend.  I am continually impressed with the quality of the breweries here in San Diego.  I am fascinated with the "tasting room" business model and love the additon of the food trucks to make food available.  I am amazed that this hasn't caused a full-on "beer revolution" in this country.  The reduced overhead costs associated with starting a brewpub make it possible for any talented brewer to get something off the ground.  Why are there so many talented brewers in San Diego?  Maybe it just feeds itself.  People work in one brewery, learn the trade and then move on to a new brewery.  From what I have read about Portland this kind of thing happens where one brewer or owner ends up having been involved in 4 or 5 breweries over a decade or two.  I am pretty excited to give it a try myself. 

So anyway, we went to Latitude 33 Brewing, Iron Fist, Backstreet Brewery and Mother Earth.  Backstreet was mediocre but the pizza was good and it was the only restaurant or "brewpub" of the bunch.  I think I enjoyed being at Latitude 33 the most.  It was a little quieter and felt more laid back.  Mother Earth was the grand opening of the new facility so it is tough to judge based on Saturday.  Iron Fist was enjoyable but was just a beat off for me for some reason.  Backstreet has the look about it of a place that will soon be a "former brewpub" if they don't change something. 

Anyway, the WOD for Monday June 25:

Box Jumps
Air Squats

Since Monday is mostly over I suppose you might be able to do it Tuesday

Monday, June 18, 2012

June 19, 2012

Skills:  Push Jerk
Get as close to 1 RM as possible on Push jerk in 5 attempts

14 Minute AMRAP
7 Deadlifts
14 Kettlebell Swings
21 Pushups

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Food Stands

My kids LOVE them!  They think that going to Costco is one of the greatest destination vacations known to man.  I do have to hand it to them, they mix it up with the variety.  Today the girls had peanut butter cups, chocolate covered acai berries, lemonade, brownies, cheddar popcorn, yogurt and probably something I am forgetting.  We bought some sockeye salmon and pistacchio/cherry mix for a salad topper.  My weakness was front and center for just a moment. . . even though I make a lot of beer and wine and we have probably twenty cases of beer around when you add in store bought and the kegs. . . I can't pass up a good deal for something out of the ordinary or even just that I haven't had in a while.  Firestone Walker has debuted mixed cases at the local Costco and for $23.99 I couldn't say no.  They are one of my favorite "large" microbreweries. 

To finish the story, or my reason for telling it, I had an idea:  tour all of the local Costco stores some weekend day to see if I could feed my kids on nothing but "Food Stands" as they are affectionately known by the three girls I call daughters.  I think that the real challenge will be to try and feed them three balanced meals using nothing but "food stands."  Start early and maybe nab some cereal, yogurt or breakfast burritos.  Maybe turkey bacon like they had today.  For lunch we can search out the sandwiches and maybe some fruit or a little bit of soup.  Dinner we should be able to come up with some fish or meat.  Maybe a salad of one sort or another.  Desert will be a snap. 

So, should this be a goal of mine?  I think it would be great fun.  It would be even better with video and photos turned into a "mockumentary."  I have dreams too.

The WOD:

5 Rounds For Time
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
15 Wall Balls
30 Situps

Sub for wall balls if no medicine ball is available should be a front squat with just the bar. 

Flag Day

Today we honor the flag.

Burpees for the blue because I like alliteration.

Pullups for the red because if you do enough of them your hands will bleed.

Situps for the white because it is a pure movement.  Simple enough for a child.

50 Reps of each for the stars on the flag.

The WOD:

For time:

50 Burpees
50 Pullups
50 Situps

Monday, June 11, 2012

Blog Identity Crisis

So what happens to a blog when its original reason for existing is null and void?  Evolution?  Execution?  Greatest Hits infomercials? 

Lisa is home.  That is a wonderful thing for my life and my family.  It has however cast a pall over the world of Beerbells.  I know that Jenn and Kevin are still reading.  Is anybody else?  Do Jenn and Kevin read all the time?  Occasionally?  I need a new mission statement.  I would feel like Jerry Maguire, but I rarely eat pizza and I don't have a goldfish.  Even worse, I am working in earnest at the gym now so I have to mix in the WODs that are done there a few days a week.  I can't even do my own Rx'd WODs part of the time.  Unless. . . I start to double up.  Back when I began Beerbells I was doing two WODs most days and running too.  I was strong, fit and fast.  Now?  I am okay. 

I have been living a life of fitness for long enough now that I have come to understand that there will inevitably be some times when you are not at your peak.  Cold winter months in Minnesota.  Hot summer months in Kansas.  Busy months of coaching youth sports and being involved in Girl Scouts.  Classes to take and visitors to entertain.  The key is to adopt fitness as a habit.  It needs to be your Monday to Friday 9-5 type of routine.  It doesn't matter which days you workout, but 5 or 6 per week isn't a bad idea.  So the past two weeks or so was an "off" time for Beerbells. 

I still don't think I have answered the question of "what is the future of Beerbells?"  I will continue to post WODs.  Hopefully I will continue to have interesting things to say.  If I end up being the tree falling in the woods, then that is okay too.

The WOD:

3 Rounds for Time
Run 400 Meters
15 Overhead Squats
10 Kettlebell Swings

Feel free to sub 500 Meters Row or 50 Double Unders for the Run if you are forced to do so as I often am on account of having a child that I don't want following me 200 meters down the road and back.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I have done a lot of them since Lisa came home.

She was finishing the "100 Day Burpee Challenge."  There was a three day backlog so one day we did 288 of them.  That was rugged.  The next day was 21-15-9 of front squat, burpees and pullups. . . I did that WOD twice.

So 378 burpees in two days.  Pretty awesome, right?

For tomorrow:

Practice Handstands

25 Double Unders
15 Back Extensions
10 GHD situps

That will do.