Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Chick Flicks

Okay.  I will admit that I have seen way more than my share of the made up genre of "chick flicks."  I am a good sport about it.  I think.  I have seen plenty of Sandra Bullock and Rene Zellweger movies.  I have seen all of the Twilight movies.  I have gone way past just movies though.  If I leave the living room and the remote control is unguarded I can quickly go from the seventh inning stretch to "Sex and the City."  I can (and sometimes do) watch sports 24/7.  So when I return to the Dodgers vs. Giants game and find that Lisa has pirated the remote and has us watching reruns of Sex and The City and America's Got Talent I just grin and bear it.  I don't mind all that much as it makes her happy. 

The really disturbing part for me however was when we were watching last night and I remembered an episode.  Not only that, but I remembered other episodes because I saw certain characters and I know there is a plot line that involves the bald lawyer and the dark-haired girl.  I actually wonder why she isn't in more movies as she is very attractive and could surely be a leading lady. . . unless she doesn't act that well.  Anyway, this is the part that has me worried.  I know enough about these shows to have thoughts like that.  I know that the next Twilight movie comes out in November.  Do most men even know what Twilight is?

Oh well.  I can also tell you that Tim Lincecum is having an off year.  Kevin Youkilis has had hits in both games he played for the White Sox and R.A. Dickey is baffling people with the knuckle ball.

The WOD:

10:2  Handstand Pushups: Burpees

Skills:  Work on Double Unders


  1. I think the more remarkable part is how kind the vampires and werewolves are toward humans.

    I ran 5 miles today. Downhill 2.5 was 20:47 and uphill 2.5 was 23:16 for a total time of 44:03. My downhill was slow today but uphill was okay. Still way off from my best on this run when I went down in 18 and change and up in 20 flat.

    I will get to the HSPU and Burpees WOD later. Volunteer breakfast at school today killed a couple hours.

  2. I like old school chick flicks. No vampires. Sorry Lisa.

    I love that y'all are doing together stuff. I can't wait to sit on the couch with Spence in the evenings!

    My quads are killing me from yesterday!

    Today 20 min amrap
    5 Pullups
    10 pushups
    15 sit ups

    I was short half of the situps in my 10th round.
    It was good.
