Thursday, June 14, 2012

Flag Day

Today we honor the flag.

Burpees for the blue because I like alliteration.

Pullups for the red because if you do enough of them your hands will bleed.

Situps for the white because it is a pure movement.  Simple enough for a child.

50 Reps of each for the stars on the flag.

The WOD:

For time:

50 Burpees
50 Pullups
50 Situps


  1. It is also one round of three movements 1-3 for the 13 stripes.

  2. 14:19 for the WOD. The slowdown on pullups was two-fold: I had already done 75+ pullups at the gym this morning and the iron gym doesn't allow for kipping. I subbed GHD situps for the situps just to make it a little tougher. 4:37 for burpees and a shade over 4 for the GHD. GHD burned a bit after the pullups. . . or after the K2E/Situps yesterday.

  3. Oh yeah, I did max reps of tire flips in 2 minutes today. Just because tire flips are awesome. 21 flips in 2 minutes. I did 24 total, but the last three were just to put the tire back where I found it.
