Have I ever told you how happy it makes me that there are breweries that have started putting the vintage on the label? It makes me happy. I am drinking a 2012 Ruthless Rye from Sierra Nevada and it is great. This is the second "A" I have given out in 2012 already. Only an "A-" but an "A" all the same. Great malt presence and just enough rye to let you know it is a rye beer. There is nothing offensive about this beer at all. Easy drinker. I only bought a 6 pack because I didn't want to go 12 on an unknown. I wish I had bought 12.
I went to Total Crossfit and did their WOD today. After Girl Scouts Gwen dropped the "I have Tuesday Newsday" on me. By the time I helped her finish her homework I had started drinking so no "Press" WOD for me tonight. I got pleny of shoulder press work in earlier today though. I forced myself to squat. If your legs feel like mine you will not want to do anything with legs. I did some extra mobility work and got it done. When I walked into the gym I told Ben "I am not doing any squats today." I did some overhead squats and then 97 air squats as part of the Tabata. So much for "no squats." Things like that are why it is good for me to go to the gym. . . I make myself do things that are probably not the smartest thing to do, but in the end it works out okay. I am good at that.
So for the WOD tomorrow:
Box Jumps
For those who might be following without a pullup bar feel free to sub pushups. If those seem too easy then do them with your hands in the center of your chest.
I did some Box Jumps today and they went surprisingly well considering the condition of my legs. My calves are strong. Hammies are strong. Just the quads are shot.
The girls and I are still munching on pork chop. I finished up the chicken today. I bought some remoulade sauce this weekend and had it on a pork chop sandwich with lettuce. I had been avoiding bread, but a pork chop sandwich with remoulade sauce sounded too good to pass up. . .it lived up to the hype. Sometimes I have a great eye for tasty food (see ciabattas from the farmer's market).
So tomorrow I am off the bread again. I did well other than that. I love macadamia nuts. I need to start measuring out my "daily allowance" for them however. It is too easy to just eat them with fruit for every snack. That is not ideal nutrition but they are so delicious.
I suppose beer is not ideal nutrition either. I just do extra burpees.
11:28 I had to resort to bench dips as static body weight dips were not in the cards for my triceps today. The chest was ready, the tris were not. I can only guess that I was loading the triceps toward the end of the bench presses or shoulder presses. They were shot. I haven't done a lot of pullups lately and I could tell on the last set. I had to break them down into sets of 3. I cut my knuckle open somewhere along the way. I watched a video clip on improving pullup form and capacity and I am thinking that I was "overthinking." On the Iron Gym I can't maintain good kipping form and my shoulder hurts ten times worse than on any other bar EVER. If I wasn't worried about moving all the stuff I would put in one of those bars with the wall ball shot marks in the back yard. Someday. For now I need to remember to go to the park or the gym for pullups. . . or get a better rig.
ReplyDeleteOn 23 Jan 12, the Beer of the Day was Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA. I KNEW it had to be a good day. Just knew it! I've got a stack rolling of ones I want to try. It's pretty cool seeing ones that I've had already (Wykoop in Denver, Starr Hill near Linda, Boulevard Smoke Stack Series). I am making my way through The Great American Ale Trail book that Michele sent and IT IS AWESOME. I'll be sending that one back for you to read.
ReplyDeleteTuesday, 24 Jan 2012
Both my and Stephanie's legs were shot. Box jumps were simply NOT in the cards for either of us:
Pullups: L:6; S:7 assisted
Dips: L: 6; S:7 assisted
Back extensions
+ 15 minutes on the treadmill, walking (3-3.5 mph) trying to stretch out my legs.
We added a 4th exercise to account for time needed on the pullup/dip machine. It worked out pretty well for the timing.
I was getting out of the F-350 at lunch time and assaulted Carl, one of the J3 officers. I lost my footing on a rock and my legs simply weren't able to "catch" me because they were still so sore! Next thing I know--and Carl knows--is that I'm whacking his ear and leaning heavily on his shoulder. Curses to you, EMOTEM air squats!
Wednesday, 25 Jan 2012
Still super sore, so I decided last night that I was opting for yoga! We did about 40 mins of good poses/breathing in the MWR room. When will this quad madness end?
The quad madness is maddening. As I previously posted I did the tabata squats yesterday and that helped a little, but I am still struggling to move around and my legs want to fail at random points in time like when I am walking. It is crazy. While I am not glad your legs are failing, I am glad I am not the only one. I was worried I had become "deconditioned." On the bright side once the junk is flushed out they should be stronger. The WOD at Total Crossfit today was 7 rounds of 7 135# Front Squat and pullups. I had already done two WODs and told Drew my saga of the quads. We didn't discuss the possibility of me doing the WOD after that. We discussed the Crossfit Kids stuff. It seems he is still in the organizational phase with the schools so he said not to worry about Tessie just yet. He said initially it would be just one day a week anyway. He is starting the Crossfit Kids class on the 6th of February. I guess that means I need to "reign it in" during the Superbowl on the 5th. We jumped on the tires (the girls and I) while Drew taught a kids self-defense class. We met between it and the 5 PM Crossfit class. So anyway, I will go there tomorrow to WOD after art class. Then I will do our WOD in the evening after school.