Monday, January 30, 2012

January 31, 2012

17 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)

12 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
8   Push Press
4  Squat Cleans

You should try to do this with the same weight on all movements to keep intensity up and not be switching weight. 

You can do all of these movements with a broomstick to practice the movement if you have no weight.  All of them should be available on or Youtube.  That satisfies the bodyweight, right?  I put the SDHP video above.  The squat clean video is below.  Second rep is squat clean.  First rep is just a power clean.  Push press is from shoulders to overhead using a dip-drive of the hips.  Youtube it if you aren't sure.


  1. *G! We need more workouts! We are all done with the last batch you sent. Our new roommate Colleen joined us today (1/31) as well. Nice. She kicked our asses on burpees

    Monday, 30 Jan 2012

    17 min AMRAP (8 rounds completed)

    L: Light bar + 5 kg each side
    S: Light bar + 3.5 kg each side

    Stephanie and woke up this morning with tight traps!

    Tuesday, 31 Jan 2012

    50 Burpees
    7 mins cardio as far as you can

    L: 7:00, Elliptical/Lvl 12/0.94 miles
    S: 7:30, Elliptical/Lvl 8/~.09 miles
    C: 6:30, Treadmill

    We are now down to (2) treadmills; (3) others are broken. So we do what we can.

  2. 1. My workout report from yesterday didn't post. Grrrrr. It was funny. It included wine. Bottom line - I liked the inverted burpees and I made it through 100. I didn't bother timing them. At this point COMPLETION is my goal. I will get there.

    2. I saw the physical therapist today. He prescribed SQUATS. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Dammit. I added his version to the front end of my workout tonight. (He is a fan of minimalist shoes and he does a running class which would include video review of my form. I think I'm going to take the Army up on that freebie.)

    3. 17 minutes seems doable until I am trying to move weight around the whole time. I did something resembling the workout you posted. And I can feel it in my legs and arms. I will tell you where it really hurts in 48 hours.

    4. I am going to look around for a bar (an empty bar will be more than enough for me for now) and a kettlebell.

    5. My cow will be in MY freezer tomorrow. :)

  3. Lisa, you should have them. Jenn, I keep seeing and hearing of this type of thing more and more. I truly believe that Crossfit is going to sweep over the entirety of our physical conditioning and training world. Until other programs with the same general stuff start to compete and then we won't recognize it as something different anymore. . . it will just be exercise. Either that or there will be all sorts of different Crossfit subsects. Which Crossfit do you do? That type of thing. Heck, there are already different programs for boxers, MMA, Endurance and Kids. So why not?

  4. You beat me! I finished 6 full rounds and then all of the SDHP and Push Press before time expired during Round 7. I finished the squat cleans after the bell. 75# on the bar.

    Then Tessie and I ran 5 miles. 46:19

    I wish I had checked your rounds before the AMRAP. . .evidently I was loafing. I probably did have another round in me if I had pushed harder. I will admit to slowing down around round 3 as I thought I tweaked the right side of my lower back on SDHP. Focussed on forma and surely that slowed me down. That and my weak mind.

  5. Jenn,

    1. I had all kinds of issues with posting early on. Copy before you post! I learned the hard way.

    2. Good physical therapists are worth their weight in gold. This guy sounds like a good one! (And not an overweight one who smokes and says, "You can't run/lift/swim/whatever it is you want to do most," instead of, "Okay, let's work on getting you to where you want to be healthily." Squats are your friend . . . in moderation.

    3. Ask Gary about "scaling"! 17 mins is doable. Scale your speed, your weight, your reps. You can do it. You can, you can, you can. And you WILL feel it. I do in my traps, in my back, in my chest. . . .

    4. Even broomsticks work. You'll improve your form and get prepped when you do get some weight.

    5. Woohoo! That is very exciting. Any feedback on the books?

    Gotta run. Copy first, then post.

  6. G,

    Tessie is really fast!

    You are suck a dork with your "weak mind" comment. Come on. . . . Weak mind, my ass!

    Love you,
