Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 5, 2012

Make up WODs

Hopefully this puts us back on target.

Bodyweight WOD programmed for Jonny
5 Rounds for Time
10 Box Jumps
30 Single Unders
10 Shoulder Press with cinder block

Kind of a Rocky IV feel for Jonny as he has zero equipment.  At this point I have asked him to install a pullup bar to begin working those and K2E and T2B. 

I will look to make up something I missed when it was hot and heavy at the end of chemistry and you got ahead of me. . . I fear it is going to be the 400m and pullup AMRAP. . . but at least that will get me to the park.  I think I only have one more to make up from back then at this point. 


  1. Friday, 6 Jan 12

    I have one more WOD to do to catchup: Tomorrow's WOD is the deadlift ladders. I posted my workout from this morning on the AMRAP (Burpees, front squats and DUs).


  2. Read them Lisa, thanks for the mental push. I am going to start a weekly theme for my challenges, and it will be kind of fun... I hope. Initially I am going to start it as a weekly challenge, I think this coming week (seeing I will be in San Diego) will be to eat an entire day on whatever you can find in your local area. I suppose me and Gary will be eating a lot of grapefruit. Buy nothing, only gather will be the rule. Ultimately I hope to turn it into a competition between me and gary, and come up with 52 challenges, and a scoring system. This could be a entry way into a mind and body test. What could I eat in western mass in january? Should be fun all said and done.

  3. Okay,
    5 rounds of that for time... I ended up with an 11 minute and 55 second round. I enjoyed this one quite a bit, and my neighbors got a great show of a huge, giant, bulging man lifting a cinderblock and jumping rope in his driveway. This is more my speed of workout as its kind of fun jumping and lifting.
    Pounded down two pollack filets after, with a nice side of green beans. Dropped 5, thats right 5 pound in 3 days.

  4. Saturday, 7 Jan 12

    Jonny and Jenn: Posted return comments on 3 Jan 12


    Deadlift Ladder (1-2-3 . . . 8-9-10-9-8 . . . 3-2-1)
    Up to 8: 95 lbs
    9-10: 85 lbs
    8-6: 75 lbs
    5 and down: 65 lbs

    This was harder and longer than I thought it would be. Good workout nonetheless.

    G: How far into the squat should I be going?

  5. I want to start. But I don't want to start. Because I will fail. And I don't like doing anything I'm not a rock star at. I'm going to keep reading and by next month I'll be posting pitiful results. Don't laugh.

  6. @Lisa, I'm glad you enjoyed the card. I've read your letter twice. I have a million questions, but I will save them for another time.

  7. Jenn,
    I am excited that there are three of you now. Remember, there is no failure. We can only improve. None of us are rock stars at this. If we were we would be on TV. We can all improve.

    Jonny, I am glad you had fun.

    Lisa, on DL line up with the knots on your shoes under the bar. Grab the bar. Bend your knees until your shins hit the bar. Raise your chest up and look ahead. You should have a nice lumbar curve. If you do all of this and your arms are extended like straps with no slack you are in the right position. I like to start my deadlift squat pretty deep. I just like the feeling of knowing my hips are mobilized. If you do what I said and when you lift it your hips and shoulders rise together you are perfect. Let me know if you have more questions.

  8. Jenn: You may have seen my post to Jonny. I REFUSED to do CrossFit with Gary the entire time I was at Leavenworth . . . and I missed a great opportunity. I can't work nearly as fast as Gary--he smokes me. I can't even come close to the weight he does--or the prescribed "girl" weights for that matter. I don't have all the equipment, but I modify it for what I've got. The hardest part is getting up in the morning, but I honestly feel WAY off if I don't work out. (And I look like death, but that's another story.) Check out this link: Then look for Greg Amundson's Warm Up. If all else fails, this is a quick, invigorating and even-I-don't-get-sweaty CrossFit option that you can absolutely fit in if you can't fit in an entire WOD. My warmup and WOD (and cardio, if I have 10-15 mins) lasts no longer than 45 mins. Seriously. (And my body is harder than it has EVER been. I know that not drinking beer is a big part of that.) Anyway. I think maybe you've motivated me for another letter. Besides being away from home, this deployment is going pretty well.

    Gary: Thanks for the DL tutorial. Good deal.
