Ione won 4 tickets to see "Phineas and Ferb" live at the San Diego Sports Arena. Lisa was the lucky one that got to attend the show with the girls. The amazing part is that Ione hardly ever wins anything. Gwen and Tessie have had fortune smile on them, but for Ione this is one of the first times and certainly the "biggest" or "coolest" prize. The prize was awarded to one child who filled in their entire reading chart for the summer reading program. There were three such children in this house, so we had a solid chance. Tessie was the one in the promotional photograph as she attends Storytime regularly while the others are in school. Summer reading was a brief window of attendance.
I came home and did a WOD and cleaned up a little. We had Gwen's Girl Scout bridging from Brownies to Juniors today. I never left the gym today as between classes we had a "marketing meeting" or discussion and covered programming and schedules. I came home to meet the kids after school, went to the bridging, picked up Tessie, passed the kids to Lisa at her office and came here. What is my point? My point is that I drank hardly any water today. I wanted to my third "Fit Wars" WOD today. I didn't feel my best, so now I have to do it on a Friday night when I should be drinking beer.
Today I did the following WOD and you should too:
7 Minute AMRAP
5 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95/65)
10 GHD Situps
15 Air Squats
I made 5 rounds and then the SDHP and 8 Squats. I went right to squats on that last round to save my ABS for the Toes to Bar in the Fit Wars WOD tomorrow. I could have done more rounds, but honestly I was lollygagging as the GHD made me worry about Ab tenderness for tomorrow. Unlike me, but it happens. I just want to get these WODs done so I can hang around waiting to hear if I made the finals. Tomorrow and then if I am feeling it maybe go do the final WOD Monday night and be done with it. That would require me to eat well the weekend. Always a challenge.
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