Welcome back!
So we are now on day 19 of 62 in the Paleo Challenge. I have long known Lent to be longer than 40 days. That is because they don't count the Sundays. No matter, it just is easier for us to not eat garbage now. Almost one-third of the way there. My score for this week four days in is a meager 20 with almost all of those points coming in the last two days. At least I can say that the girls and I enjoyed a nice lunch at the Cisco Brewpub in Logan Airport. I wanted to buy the glass, but didn't because it said "Nantucket" on it and we weren't on Nantucket. Cool glass though. It had a great quote on the back "nice beer if you can get it." I had found six-packs of their stuff so I had tried almost all of it before we were done at the airport. The past two days have been nearly perfect for me. I missed my sleep for the first night by minutes, but have nailed every other available point including last night's sleep.
I was supposed to do some beer bottling and wine making today, but forgot the girls had dental appointments. Ione is now free of her harmful habit device. She hasn't sucked her thumb for a while, so I had them take it out. Gwen goes back next Thursday for two fillings. She has some deep pockets in the molars and a bit of decay has started. Time to get her on the fish oil.
The WOD:
50 Med Ball Clean (or lightweight cleans if you don't have a medicine ball)
50 Toes to Bar
50 Pullups
As for me I had a little stagnation on the scale during our trip. I am a half pound heavier than I was before we left. I should be able to take that off before the weekend. Still 6.5 pounds down from the start. A pound every three days to hit the 20 pounds I said I could do.
15:17 This sucked. I switched from Pullups to Pushups after 20 as my grip was failing after back to backing the T2B and Pullups. In order to maintain intensity I snuck some pushups as a sub for the last 30 pullups. After I was done I hopped back on the pullup bar. I got 5 more before just being totally cashed out. I know for certain that my pullup prowess has declined. Another strong day for Paleo Challenge. What sucks is that on Friday's during lent if you don't have fish in the house you are pretty much limited to eggs, nuts and fruit. I got caught unprepared for sure.