Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A few days

Just in case I can't make it to a computer the next couple of days here are a few WODs to do.  I am hoping the hotel has Wi-fi.  Most do these days, right? 

11 Minute AMRAP
10 Pistol Squats (5 per side)
15 Kettlebell Swings
25 Pushups

Handstand Pushups

Push Jerk (find 1 Rep Max)
then complete 50 Burpees

30 Clean and Jerks for Time

Okay, that is that.  I am going to be doing Bodyweight WODs on the go.  Maybe Jonny and I will do some together!


  1. Monday, 20 February 2012

    I am back! My partners kept it going in my absence, but I forgot their notes at the room. They did a deck of cards one day and a 25-20-15-10-5 all the way to 5-4-3-2-1 set another day. (What's that called, by the way?) They were pretty motivated, unlike me! I ate Italian, I ate Spanish, I ate Class I, I drank hot chocolate and orange juice and slept, read, wrote, watched movies and hid the best I could--without missing meals, of course. I went to church and I talked to Dohl and I waited on helos that finally came. When I got back to my room, I ate most of a bag of dark peanut M&Ms--Colleen THANKFULLY helped me--and half a bag of Cheetos--Stephanie THANKFULLY helped me. I can see the results of my "efforts" right on my belly. That was enough motivation to start today right with hard-boiled eggs, bacon and watermelon. I am back on Paleo. I am back to CrossFit. I am finding my motivation to be back at work. (I need even MORE of a gut check for that last statement.)

    1-1-1-1-1 Push jerk (L & S: 45#; C: ~25#)
    50 Burpees for time (C: 4:18; L: 6:30-ish; S: 7:00-ish)

    And I'm feeling my "opting out" in my quads. . . .

  2. Unfortunately, no WODs for me since arriving in Massachusetts. I ate sort of well. The dinner after the funeral didn't have many options. I got a sandwich and skipped the bread. My Paleo score for the week was just a 37 with most of that coming in San Diego. Nanny brought me donuts and that killed me today. I told her to send some to me for Easter, but she couldn't resist my being here. I should relish the fact that I have my grandmother to make donuts for me. Some things trump the paleo challenge. Life is meant to be lived. I tapped some trees for my father using the old brace bit while wearing my Crossfit sweatshirt. That was work. The girls loved "sugaring with Grampy" and loved riding on his new backhoe. He took them all for a ride through the woods and you could see his joy on his face. . . and theirs. Smiling Rog doesn't smile much, but the grandkids can do it. He even let me drive his new rig. The only words of advice were "don't hit that red car when you park it." Gwen rode with me, but the others were inside on account of the cold at that point. Jonny even came out sugaring and he doesn't like sugaring all that much. I think I am supposed to write it "sugarin'." That is how maple sugar farmers say it. In terms of paleo, the fact that my father kills animals for food helped there. Unfortunately the girls stopped eating when they found out that venison was deer. Gwen laid the guilt trip on my father with the question "Grampy why do you shoot animals?" I don't think it will stop him though.

  3. Tuesday, 21 Feb 2012

    30 Clean & Jerks
    L: 45# @ 9:30-ish?
    S: Lt bar + 33# @ 10:30-ish?
    C: Lt bar + 22# @ 9:40-ish?

    I didn't sleep much--lucky if I cleared 4 hours, but I was up and at 'em this morning for some reason. I was feeling yesterday's burpees a little this AM, so I walked for 10 mins on the treadmill and did a GAWU. After the workout, I ran for 13 mins, cleared 1.15 miles. My ass hurt, but it felt good at the same time.

    Back in the saddle, although I did have pizza last night. Oh, and my point total for last week was 11. Yep, that's right: 11. Bleck.

    I'm very glad to hear that you were sugarin'--I know how much you love that. More good memories for the girls. And I am very surprised that your dad let you drive the backhoe. Don't get any ideas--TMO will NOT move a backhoe. Lord knows what we would use if for anyway. As far as the venison goes, apparently I do need to get "The Omnivore's Dilemma for Kids" for Gwen. I hope it's slightly more gentle than the grown-up version. They really stopped eating? That's surprising--they know where meat comes from. Better to hunt it yourself than get it from a CAFO, I say.

  4. Im back. Just in time for Fat Tuesday. Luckily there isn't any questionable food in the house. I ate it all over the past 72 hours. I will calculate my weekly points and share tomorrow.

  5. 30 C & J for time. 115# 8:26. A little faster than 17 seconds per rep. I will take it. 135# would have been too much but that is where I want to get as that is the weight for the "Grace" WOD that this gets the movement and rep count from. I could have easily cleaned the greater weight, but to overhead I would have had to slow down and take more time between reps to prevent muscle failure. Not too shabby after a brief hiatus and feeling a little sleepy today. I won't say "jetlag" because that is just an excuse, but I fell asleep at the library with Tessie today. I tried to stay up late while back east, but it seems I just didn't do enough to stay "on time." My score for the first two days of this week was a 3. One day is a "wash" and the other I started into it Paleo, but ended up with potatoes, green beans, alcohol and a sauce on the venison that had to have some contraband in it. Minus 4 for all that. Sleep and WODs were zero for Monday and Tuesday. Sleep was close last night. I fell asleep during Parenthood, but woke back up before it was over and then was up in less than 8 hours from then. Close but no cigar. Today is going to be an 8. It is so easy to do Paleo when you are fasting. Yeah Lent! I am looking to rack up the points between now and the celebration of the resurrection.

  6. Push Jerk at 115-135-135-135-155 I know I have more in me but only went as high as I could be sure I didn't drop the iron. 50 Burpees for time: 3:50

    New WOD and blog tonight. Today will be my first 9 score for the Paleo challenge. I got the sleep! WOD and 7 for points. I am thrilled to have achieved my first "Max day." I know that there are still 7 and a half hours left, but if there is one thing I don't worry about it is cheating the diet. I have the willpower, all that it takes is the "give a damn." With a nine point day there for the taking it is easy. Lent has lent me new strenght. I simply ruled this into my lenten sacrifice. I will have some beers with a friend when he is in town March 7-10, but other than that I am going to go "Paleo pure." There I said it. Now I have to deliver. It looks like my parents will come out the day before Easter which will be perfect. Last few hours of Paleo and if I need the points I won't drink any beers until the morning.
