Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 9, 2012

Day 4 of 62 in the Paleo Challenge.  This is going to go by fast, right?  7 points for me again today.  I was close to an eight pointer until I realized I put salad dressing on my salad.  Darn salad dressing. 

The WOD for tomorrow:

3 Rounds for Time
5 Turkish Get Ups per side
10 Kettlebell Clean and Press per side
15 Crossfit Standard Pushups (release hands at bottom so torso is on the deck)
20 Situps

I am hopeful (and pretty sure) that this WOD will make Pushups seem like a "break."  The Situps should be tougher than you would imagine after doing the TGU. 


  1. 2/8 update
    I surfed. I did my physical therapy. And I did the lunges/run workout.
    The workouts look so doable on screen. And they kick my ass.
    The alley behind the house is barely over 1/10 of a mile. So I started with a run x 1 minute, then 20 lunges, then noted that I only had 15 seconds of running to do before my lunges started again. I declared Gary criminally insane and I modified. I ran (jogged/sprinted/walked depending on the moment) 1/10 mile, started the next with 20 lunges, ran the remainder of that 1/10 and so forth until I made it to a mile.

    -1 for cream

    7 for the day

    The kids may NEVER let me get 8 hours at night, but I keep TRYING!

  2. Scaling is the #1 word in Crossfit Jenn. It is good that you are able to adapt the WOD to fit you. The fun part is when some WODs come back around in a few months and you are able to do them better/faster/stronger. I may be a little crazy. I miss some of the hourlong body-busting WODs I would do at Iron Major. I do my best to sprinkle in the "Chippers" here. I don't think I have programmed anything over 40 minutes thus far.

  3. 18:33 for today's WOD. Pretty cool how I snuck 30 turkish get ups past you, right Lisa? My hope is that you did today's WOD almost as fast as when you did 30 TGU by themselves. I think I might have come within 4 minutes but would have to check. I slept probably 7 hours and 45 minutes last night. Close, but no cigar. I went to bed at 11ish and unlike most nights I didn't toss and turn at all. It must have been a record. I remember nothing so it must have been fast. Then I woke up at 6:50. Not mathematically possible for it to be 8. No dogs or children waking me up. . . oh wait, Ione came in about 6:30. I almost forgot. . . yeah, 8 hours is going to be tough.

    1. Oh yeah. 18# KB for TGU and 44# KB for Clean and Press.

    2. Gary: That may have worked, but we didn't do them! Why? I'm not quite sure. I think we took a vote. Being in Afghanistan gives me a nasty sense of entitlement. I need to knock that off, for sure.

      Thursday, 9 Feb 2012

      I slept in today and took the morning off. I couldn't let a day go by though, so I ran 3 miles on the treadmill (Level 10, 4.5-7.0 mph, random). Pretty good. At least I sweat a bunch! It felt good to run.

  4. 22.40 for the workout. 10# KB for both. I can feel it. My glutes still ache from the lunges.

    I broke today. My mom came in on day 2 of the challenge. Homemade PB cookies - I didn't eat one. Chocolate covered macademia nut cluster - zero. Brown rice sushi - the best I can say is I shared with the kids. :) And she went out and bought 3 pints of Baskin Robins - I didn't even smell it yesterday; today I was scooping it out for the kids and I enjoyed a small spoonfull. Mmmmmmmmm.

    That's a 5 for me. I will send you my worksheet at the end of every week. Maybe I will email it to Lisa and she could put it into some master excel file!

  5. You know what I say Jenn? If you are going to have a little you might as well enjoy a bowl. I know that it might not "feel right" but you only live once. We can do our paleo challenge and still live!

  6. I have portion control issues! It was good for me to hold back. Besides i'd rather waste my 'living a little' on something better than mediocre ice cream. Like the two glasses of wine I've enjoyed tonight. :)

    1. Jenn: I concur. Wait till you see Friday, 10 Feb 2012's post.
