Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine's Day!

This should be a buddy WOD of sorts.  There are some couples WODs out there, but since I know that 0% of the people following have a significant other who is both doing Crossfit and on the same continent, we won't do a buddy WOD. 

Valentine's Day.  I sent Lisa some dark chocolate macadamia bark and she received it!  Score one for me.  Aside from that I will ship out some Girl Scout cookies.  I won't conspire against any more than that. 

My Paleo score for the day is a 7.  I was heading for an 8 until about an hour ago.  The girls wanted a snack and we had some Mediterranean root vegetables.  I had bought them thinking that they were paleo friendly.  They tasted way to good to be legal.  I am pretty sure they don't maintain the spirit of "no processed foods" so that is a lost point for me.  Had I made my 8 hours sleep I wouldn't have been so weak and scored that 9.  The girls and I went to Crossfit Kids tonight.  Gwen did over 100 squats.  She did some band assisted pullups.  She bear crawled.  She played Crossfit dodgeball (she did burpees and jumping jacks as part of that).  I think I earned my reputation as the "mean coach."  The kids played musical medicine balls and when they tied they had to do a squat off.  30 seconds as many squats as possible.  I "no repped" my kids a whole bunch for either not going deep enough or not opening the hips at the top.  Hey, if you don't hit the standards then it is no rep.  Gwen made 25 in her squat off even with me no repping her for not opening her hips.  I was pretty impressed.  I can only make somewhere in the 31-37 range in 30 seconds typically. 

The WOD:

3-3-3 Deadlifts
We are trying to find a 3 rep max.  If you don't have enough weight to max (as I still don't) then build up with what you have in increments of 5.  In other words, do 5 reps, 10 reps, 15 reps, 20 reps. . . until form breaks down and you cannot safely complete the set.  That should still achieve the effect we are looking for. 

then run 3 miles

Simple.  Post times, weights/reps to comments please.


  1. Tuesday, 14 Feb 2012

    Stephanie: 30#, 7 assisted (9:09)

    Lisa: 4 rds + pistol squats

    11 min AMRAP

    10 Pistol squats
    15 KB (12#)
    25 Pushups

    We are now all done with Fran. We will do Pup tomorrow!

    Jenn: I Skyped with Gary and the girls this morning. When Gary said, "We went to CrossFit Kids tonight," Gwen yelled, "MY QUADS HURT!" Too funny, right? I miss them so much.

  2. Gary, Running stinks.

    Lisa, I love the story! You will love them better because of this year. And they will know it. I pray - HARD - that this is the last deployment for you and Spence and many others.

  3. Ran a loop that I guessed to be a rough approximation of three miles pushing Tessie in the jog stroller. 27:24. I will measure later today. I added a small "starter" loop to a route I knew was 2.6 so I think it will be close either way. I like to try and make sure my loops are "at least" the distance I want.

    Deadlifts I did after the run. I definitely felt weak. I did 260# which is the most I have. If I had been able to do 5 it would have been a PR for 5RM. I was able to do 10 reps total in a set of 1-3-2-2-2 respectively. I could have continued, but for what? My PR at 3 RM is 295. I wasn't feeling like my hamstrings were engaging and was afraid I would fire with my back and get into trouble. I took my 10 reps at 260# and said "okay, now to work on my deadlifts again." It is humbling to struggle like that with 260 when I know I can do 325. I need to get my bumper weights, but I keep coming up with other things to spend the money on.
