Tuesday, July 10, 2012

99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall

Without planning.  Without intention.  I bottled the peanut butter cup beer a couple weeks ago.  I had 50 bottles total and set it along the wall in the dining room.  Lisa was a good sport about it.  While I am sure she wanted it out of the way, she understands that with bottled beer you need to leave it for a while to make sure it isn't going to explode.  We had a steam beer blow up in our basement in Kansas and it made a horrible mess.  Of course, messes in that house, and the basement in particular were commonplace.  Whether it was Tessie smashing eggs, emptying baby powder bottles, shampoo bottles or the sewer pipes backing up in the basement there was always a mess there.  In any event, the 50 bottles of peanut butter cup beer were still there when it came time to bottle the India Pale Weizen or what some would call a "white IPA."  So I bottled it up on Sunday afternoon and have been using some large bottles as I have nearly filled all of my available 12 ounce bottles.  All said and done I had 49 bottles of IPW.  I set the cases along the wall next to the peanut butter cup beer.  Wait for it, wait for it. . . did you do the math?  99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall!

I noticed this yesterday afternoon.

The WOD:

3 Rounds for Time

10 Pullups
15 Dips
20 Overhead Squats
25 Back Extensions

Beginner/Body Weight WOD

3 Rounds for Time
10 Pushups
20 Squats
30 Situps

Post time to Comments.


  1. Today I did a 15 minute AMRAP of
    25 Squats
    5 Pullups

    I completed 14 rounds plus 18 Squats in the allotted time. I finished round 15 after the gun.

    Then I ran around the perimeter of the business park where the gym is located.

  2. 20 min amrap


    5 pullups (xl band, I should have gone smaller)
    10 pushups (knees)
    15 air squats (I rocked these!)

    8 rounds plus 5 pulls and 10 pushes

  3. I woke up today, and it was 85 degrees, no humidity, and I thought today was a Good Day Sunshine. I woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head, found my way downstairs and drank a cup, and looking up I noticed I was late, but hey, it's just A Day in the Life. I jumped in my truck and noticed a Plastic Jesus riding on the dashboard of my car, and around it was some abolone shells, but at least I don't have to worry if it rains or freezes.
    Heading over the hill, I realized I Cant Drive 55, mainly because the posted speed limit is 35 and I don't want a ticket. Then as I get closer to Westfield, In the City, traffic gets a little slow, but all in all I was on the Turnpike pretty quickly. Luckily for me its July, so the turnpike from Stockbridge to Boston was clear of snow, which made for fairly quick travelling conditions. The problem with the turnpike is that approaching Springfield, its a real Highway to Hell, sometimes traffic stops on the 291 ramp altogether.

    Regardless, I arrive at work on time, and I have a cup of coffee hoping it will Help Me Through The Night, maybe even ease the pain in my knee a bit. I suppose Once In A Lifetime your day will just match up with a bunch of songs, but not always.
    But whatever, when I drive home in the morning the highway is empty, and I feel like The King of The Road.
    No 99 bottles of beer on my wall though.

  4. How much would I have pay you to ship me a bottle of said peanut butter beer?

  5. I sampled the first bottle and the peanut butter and chocolate flavors are still a bit muted. Once the flavors develop fully I will get your address Kevin and we can strike a deal. When engineering such a thing as shipping the fairest payment is for you to find me something that I can't get here but would like to drink and send a shipment of it back this way. Just be forewarned, you can't ship through the postal service as its illegal and you can't declare it when going UPS or FedEx either. . . just call it "glass" or if they press you call it a "yeast sample." Make sure your package is sealed before you get there. Once I am pleased with the development of the beer I will give you a heads up and we can engineer a trade. I will see what from New England I would like or perhaps if you are at the store you can see what is available. Best bet is smaller brewers as the big ones I have either tried or they make it out here.
    Jonny, when music clicks with life it is magical really. Sometimes when it happens it endears a song and entrenches it so deeply into my fibers that I will never forget it or never think of that song without thinking of that instance again.
    Great job. Cindy is a smoker and really is all about the ability to punish yourself willingly. I have been wanting to do it again as I am certain that I can PR the WOD. The last time I did it was with ring pullups because the gym was packed and I think that seriously hampered my numbers. I would hope to get 3-5 more rounds in. As for your post of "quads in the gym" yesterday I did 375 squats in my WOD plus all of those I used to demonstrate the movement to three classes. The last time I did 400 squats I couldn't climb stairs for two days. I feel a little better this time, but I am still sore.

    1. Kevin, maybe something from "Maine Beer Co." if they have it around you. They won a bunch of awards recently. I will try and get specific beer names and some other brewers. I can ship you a PB beer earlier if you promise to let it develop for a month or so. I don't want you to get any less than the full experience.

    2. The Maine Beer Co.? I have not heard of them but I will definitely find out where I can get it. Have you tried the Alchemist in Waterbury VT? I visited them and they brew two beers and haven't dispersed the for sale other than at their cannery...yes cannery...the Heady Topper is really good.

  6. Today I ran 7+miles maybe 7.1-7.3. I don't really know. I pushed Tessie and it took 73:01. I was absolutely gassed by the end and the half mile hill on Avenida Magnifica sucked my will to live.

  7. "Sucked my will to live." That made me giggle.

    Max press. 55#. When I started I couldn't press the bar.

    Max bent row. 90#. Until the end those felt easy.
