Sunday, July 22, 2012

Begin. . . NOW!

Alright, here it goes.  I am going to fill in all of your weaknesses.  We are going to force ourselves to do all of the things that we don't like to do in order to get better at them.  Unless you don't have access to the necessary equipment.  You will be able to enter the 2013 Crossfit Games Open division!

Skill Work:  Rope Climbs.  Do pullups or "towel pullups" if you don't have rope access.  Towel pullups you drape a towel over the bar and do pullups by alternating your hands up and down to simulate rope climbing.

WOD--  12 Minute AMRAP

7 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/45)
14 Crossfit Standard Pushups (hand-release at the bottom)

Cashout-- Run 400 meters, 15 GHD situps, 20 Double Unders


  1. 7 rounds plus 1 sumo
    I would have been no rep'd on every rep at the games. :/ I have a lot of work to do.

    I still owe myself 20 double unders.

  2. 10 Rounds plus 7 SDHP and 5 CFPU. I finished round 11 after time.
