Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Squat Cleans

If you do this WOD as Rx'd you will be cursing the squat clean by the end.  Even if you don't, you might be cursing it. 

5 Rounds For Time
Run 400 meters
10 Pullups
15 Squat Cleans (95/65)


  1. 23:25 for me this morning. I started out with all squat cleans, but mixed in some power cleans for the sake of time. Pullups I wanted to go unbroken, but rounds 4 and 5 I was sweating too badly and my hands didn't want to stay on the bar so I came off around 7 and had to jump back up to finish.

  2. Jenn, if you read this comment before the WOD I would recommend going to 5 Squat Cleans per round and focussing on mechanics. I find that my lower back is tightening up on me which tells me my mechanics were slipping toward the end. In the middle of a 5 day stretch of WODs you don't want to put yourself in position to not be able to work tomorrow and Friday. Plus I have a little bonus coming on Saturday if you are able to manage it with 4 kids.

    1. You want it to be hard. . . but not to the point of injury.

  3. I had to push myself to get this one in today. We had to be out the door at 7.30 for a 90 minute 9 am appointment this morning. And when I don't workout in the morning, it just doesn't get done...

    So I did a little warm up while I watched the kids at soccer tonight, rode my bike home, shuttled them off to bed and headed out to the alley for th eWOD.

    I adjusted to 5 pullups and 5 squat cleans at 30#.

  4. I too do best when I WOD in the morning. The later in the day it gets the harder it seems to be to fit it in.

    Lately I have been doing the WOD with the 6 AM class.
