I realized this morning that being married is good for helping you learn how to share. You share your bed, your closet, your bathroom, your kitchen, your cars, your children, bank accounts and your computer. The computer. I went to post on here this morning and it was logged in as Lisa. So rather than try to figure out how to "not lose" my post and get it to my profile, I just fired away. It made me realize that it is good to share. The sharing of the computer was noteworthy to me however. For a while I think I functioned on "my own" computer. Whether it was just my own self-imposed barrier or some unspoken agreement I didn't do much, if anything, on Lisa's computer.
This isn't really about the computer though. It is more about how sharing a life with someone can help to make you better. Lisa shared Body-for-Life with me years ago. I lost a lot of weight. I started to run Marathons and enjoyed sharing the experience of travelling to them with Lisa and the kids. It was easier to go alone, and I slept better in the hotels but it was BETTER when we were all together. So this fall and winter I hope they travel with me to Tucson and Las Vegas. I started Crossfit. I became a Crossfit trainer and shared Crossfit with Lisa. When she started to enjoy it, I needed a way to share it with her more instantaneously. Enter Beerbells. Now I can share it with everyone. When we share ourselves and our talents we make the world better. Last night at Ione's talent show the children shared their talents and it was wonderful to see what some 5 and 6 year olds are capable of. Similarly there were recognitions for parent volunteers who shared their time. I share a fair amount of my time as well and realized that what enables me to share so freely is the fact that Lisa shares her life with me. Together we function as a team and are able to get more done and be the parents we want to be even if we aren't always the parent we want to be.
So why wouldn't you share? In a family you share hopes, dreams, laughter and love. Sharing all the rest of the stuff is pretty easy after that.
The WOD:
10, 9, 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
GHD Situps
Kettlebell Swings
Great post Gary, family is about sharing, sharing what you love, sharing your burdens. Awesome!
ReplyDeleteI am going to share my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteBefore the WOD. 10 to 1s suck.
At the 8 round. This really sucks.
At the 4 round. I can see the light.
At the end. That sucked.
And I don't use the s-word very often!!!
24 minutes
30# thrusters
pullups with my feet on a barstool
situps on a big ball
Thanks for the book info. I Googled it, added excel to my search criteria and came up with something for $5 that I downloaded and started using today.
Before the WOD I managed to do 10 double unders, not strung together, BUT I GOT THEM.
After, 1 minute planks. Those hurt.
Thanks for sharing Gary! I am a stronger more healthy me because of it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the push Jenn. I was trying to stay ahead of your pace the whole way.
95# for thrusters in honor of Crossfit.com posting "Fran" today.
53# for KBS
Rx'd the whole way. I did the thrusters unbroken except for the round of 9 when I had to set it down after 6 or 7.
Pukie was chasing me a bit in the middle rounds as I had eaten some cocoa roasted almonds too close to WOD time.