Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Failed Jokes

So this morning I made a joke during the 6 AM Crossfit class.  It was missed.  I chose to not pursue it and then perhaps point out that I am not that funny.

Everyone was talking about the heat as I had the class stretching outside.  It was a solid ten degrees cooler outside this morning.  They were talking about when it would break.  I said, "it will break on Saturday because that is when they are coming to fix our AC unit."  Everyone was excited that it was going to break, but they didn't realize that I am no weatherman.  Maybe it will cool down, maybe not.  If it doesn't then perhaps they will get my joke.  I still think it is ridiculous that "heat" in San Diego is if it gets up around or above 90.  Even 80s makes people squirm.  72 and sunny is the way to live I guess.

Warmup:  25 Pushups, Row 250 meters (run 200)

Strength Training:  Shoulder Press 5-5-5

The WOD:  10 Minute AMRAP

5 Pullups
10 Situps
15 Air Squats

Cashout:  10 Tire Flips


  1. Shoulder press@ 95-115(PR)-105

    AMRAP--11 rounds

    I need to total my PRs for the past two months. I have to be close to setting a new PR for every lift on either the 1,3 or 5 rep max. Being around the gym all the time is good.

  2. 8 PRs just on lifts since June 6. Individual WODs offers more opportunities and hence more records. Now just to get the darn muscle-ups.
