Friday, August 31, 2012


So my children are sitting in the other room watching the previews before their movie.  They have seen it before, but they are excited.  They are wearing 3-D glasses this time.  It won't work, but they are stoked!

We went to see "Brave" in 3-D and took the glasses home with us.  Somehow this evening as the movie was getting set up they decided that they needed their 3-D glasses.  I am surprised that they were able to find them honestly.

So I will see how long this lasts before they get frustrated.  Even the 9 year old seems to think that this is going to work.  Maybe I will put mine on and pretend that it works. . . that would be really funny, right?

The WOD:

5 Rounds for time

Run 400 meters
Rest 1 minute

Post total time to comments.


  1. I am baaaaaaaaaack!
    with a bad stomach and guesstimated distance

  2. 25 minute AMRAP
    10 thrusters (45# which progressively dropped to 20#)
    10 pullups with band
    10 kb swings (18k, I think)
    Bear crawls
    5 rounds plus thrusters and pullups
    That was yesterday and today I'm hurting and worn out.
    More tomorrow!

  3. Are they abductors or adductors? The muscles of the inner thigh?
    Today I wish I didn't have them.
    They HURT.
    pullups/inverted rows
    situps/russian twists/hanging knee raises
    and walking lunges between each set
    19 minutes

  4. Adductor group is comprised of 5 different muscles that make up the tissue on the inside of the thighs with one that wraps around to the backside of the pelvis. I think that the pectineus is the wrap-around guy. adductor brevis, adductor longus and adductor magnus and gracilis are the other 4. The one that is sore is probably the gracilis or the adductor magnus. . . or maybe all of them.
