Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Low Motivation

Periodically I will find myself sinking into a slump.  It doesn't matter what is going on and how "not in a slump" I had been.  This summer I have been exercising regularly and have maintained my weight.  With almost two weeks of house guest, weight maintenance is something to cheer about.  Even when things are going well, it doesn't take much to start me down the slippery slope that is the road to lost work capacity.  I have been setting new personal records at all sorts of lifts and workouts, but if I don't reverse the trend of the past two weeks or so I am going to have to build back up again and that is a two month process just to be sniffing where you were. 

Recognizing the problem is the key.  I have recognized it and hopefully can reverse it before it gets to be a real problem.  How did I recognize it?  I have found myself only getting up early on the days I have to work.  Normally I would get up early on my off days to run.  I have been saying "yes" to dessert more than I have been saying "no."  I missed a workout on Monday for the first time in over three months.  The clincher though was yesterday when I caught myself "stress eating."

What set it off?  Something small, but troubling for me.  Now that I am working again, albeit a limited schedule, I like to work.  I have always liked to work.  Perhaps it is why my hobbies have always taken on a very scheduled and regimented feel.  Training for marathons, lifting, Crossfit, beer and wine making. . . I enjoy making things into a "job."  The past few weeks I have been "given the noon class off."  I am sure that most people would welcome not having to go back to work and would enjoy just getting the rest of the day off.  Not me.  I thrive on schedule.  Once my schedule gets interrupted all hades breaks loose.  I waste time and will turn to all sorts of sinister things like eating too much or watching too much television.  I like to have something to do.  So when the call came yesterday I found myself immediately eating a grilled cheese.  Chipotle jack cheese is awesome, but grilled cheese is not my ideal fare.  I followed that up with some ice cream and cookies with the girls for dessert after lasagna for dinner.  Normally after eating a high glycemic food like pasta I will pass on dessert.  Not this time. 

So I have decided to come clean with those who might be reading.  Perhaps calling myself out here now will prevent this from continuing and leading to the inevitable 5-10 pound weight gain that then takes two months to get off again.  Perhaps I will stay on target with training for Marathons.  I know what needs to be done, I just need to do it.

The WOD:

7 Rounds for time

5 Back Extensions
7 GHD Situps
9 Pushups
11 Air Squats


  1. 8:23
    Rounds 3 and 4 were the slowest.

    All rounds unbroken.

  2. Welcome back Gary. I know those low motivation trends. I am pulling myself out of one with this workout. Today!
    We are in Indiana for an unknown length of time getting help for John. My mom is here to watch the kids. No excuses!!!

  3. Hi Jenn,

    I sincerely hope that you are able to get the help that you need with John. I knew it would put a heightened demand on your time. I hope that you find, like I do, that Crossfit makes me more efficient in the way that I use my time by increasing my overall energy level.

    Perhaps conjuring a few extra minutes in the day, real or perceived, will help to make things go more smoothly for you.

  4. I will make sure to put up a WOD to be done tomorrow.

  5. Today I did: With a continuously running clock do 1 pullup and 1 pushup the first minute and add one rep of each every minute until fail. 2 of each the second minute, 3 the third and so forth.

    I made 11 minutes successfully and couldn't muster the courage to start the 12th. I wish I had tried. This is the second such workout in two months where I finished a minute right on time and didn't attempt the next minute. Burpees the last time. I need to put that negative self-talk to bed and at least try to get through the next minute even if I don't think I can.
