Monday, June 11, 2012

Blog Identity Crisis

So what happens to a blog when its original reason for existing is null and void?  Evolution?  Execution?  Greatest Hits infomercials? 

Lisa is home.  That is a wonderful thing for my life and my family.  It has however cast a pall over the world of Beerbells.  I know that Jenn and Kevin are still reading.  Is anybody else?  Do Jenn and Kevin read all the time?  Occasionally?  I need a new mission statement.  I would feel like Jerry Maguire, but I rarely eat pizza and I don't have a goldfish.  Even worse, I am working in earnest at the gym now so I have to mix in the WODs that are done there a few days a week.  I can't even do my own Rx'd WODs part of the time.  Unless. . . I start to double up.  Back when I began Beerbells I was doing two WODs most days and running too.  I was strong, fit and fast.  Now?  I am okay. 

I have been living a life of fitness for long enough now that I have come to understand that there will inevitably be some times when you are not at your peak.  Cold winter months in Minnesota.  Hot summer months in Kansas.  Busy months of coaching youth sports and being involved in Girl Scouts.  Classes to take and visitors to entertain.  The key is to adopt fitness as a habit.  It needs to be your Monday to Friday 9-5 type of routine.  It doesn't matter which days you workout, but 5 or 6 per week isn't a bad idea.  So the past two weeks or so was an "off" time for Beerbells. 

I still don't think I have answered the question of "what is the future of Beerbells?"  I will continue to post WODs.  Hopefully I will continue to have interesting things to say.  If I end up being the tree falling in the woods, then that is okay too.

The WOD:

3 Rounds for Time
Run 400 Meters
15 Overhead Squats
10 Kettlebell Swings

Feel free to sub 500 Meters Row or 50 Double Unders for the Run if you are forced to do so as I often am on account of having a child that I don't want following me 200 meters down the road and back.


  1. I am still reading, I check my blogs everyday so if you post I'm reading it. I rather enjoy the happenings of your family, it's nice to see the difference and similarities between three boys and three girls.

  2. Lisa did this WOD as Rx'd with 35# for OHS and 18# KBS. 16:34

    I did the WOD with 25 SDHP @75# in place of the run and with 75# for OHS and 53# for KBS. 13:00 I also did 20 reps of OHS per round instead of 15 mostly because I dropped the bar around 12 or 13 each round and it seemed silly to pick it back up and only do 2 or 3.

  3. Identity crisis is right.

    In the past two weeks, I went from being "one of the few" on Shindand to "just another one" here at Miramar. I went from having too much to do to having nothing to do. I went from being "just me" to being Lisa the Wife, the Mother and the Marine. I went from early morning WODs + burpees to maybe a WOD . . . sometime.

    But, as always, I'll adapt and overcome these challeneges, too. Maybe Beerbells will be my outlet here in the States!

  4. Ask questions. Then answer them after exploring the possible answers and/ or solutions. I thought about your questions over the course of three hours of driving in two days, and I arrived at an answer.
    Reinvent the wheel.
    We are a society of norms and routine, and rarely does somebody strive to break the norm. There is always a better way to do everything, but it just might not be the easiest. Life is an experiment and if you leave the variables the same, nothing different will ever come of it. Change it up, see what happens.

    Their was a Boston area teacher who gave an awesome high school graduation speech. Look it up, as its worth a watch. I also said this because I am going to steal a little bit of his thunder too.
    You are not special because you started a blog. Anyone can start one, its what you do with it that can be special and deserving of praise. I read it, and I am not being an dick here, but I know your capable of much more than just this. Beer? Whatever. Workout days? I can get them somewhere else. Yes, you can mix those things in, but change them. The beer thing carries more weight (Peanut butter cup beer) then the workout thing. Its exploring something creative. Workouts can be creative, but the goal is usually the same, be stronger, and healthier. Hell, challenge that thought.
    Life happens. Note at Lisa: You were still the Wife and the Mom when you were away, Otherwise your presence wouldn't have been missed at all. I am very happy your home and Gary and the girls have you back.
    I guess I feel that isolating a blog to two items can be limiting, but exploring the way the interweave into other things is even better.
    I am still reading.

  5. I can ramble on about all sorts of things. Beer and fitness are just two categories that allow me to speak with a little bit of gravitas. I can talk about Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, parenting with some as well. Beyond that I am just another guy sharing his musings. I am not so self-important to think that what I have to say is more important than what millions of others have to say. What I hope to be able to do is bring some stories to life and keep people reading so that maybe, just maybe, they will give the workouts a try. Maybe they will try some better beer. Maybe eat some better food. In my opinion all of these can be life changing. It is impossible to know when "the moment" will happen but for all of us anything worth doing starts with a "moment." The moment can be a realization or epiphany. Building motivation and momentum. Budding curiosity. Sometimes when it happens you don't even know it until later. These moments happen for both good things and bad things however. My mission is to keep tossing stories, workouts and musings so that maybe. . . just maybe something I say will lead to one person taking a risk, trying something new that can change their life for the better. I have been fortunate enough to live these moments over and over again. My life has changed many times due to the intervention of many people. Almost all of these changes have been for the better. Perhaps I am just a "pay it forward" junkie who is hoping that I can be "that guy" for someone that numerous people have been for me. I can pinpoint 3 that I am comfortable sharing: one is some dude whose name I don't remember that gave Lisa a packet about Body-for-Life. Many people participated in that little challenge but it changed MY life. Two is this old guy in North Carolina that I always would see at the road races. He was retired military and had run a Marathon in 24 different states and was planning two more the year I moved from there. He lit a fire in me that started as small as a match-strike, but grew. I still haven't caught up to him, but I have done 12 states. The third was a retired Marine Colonel at Fort Leavenworth. He was my first Crossfit coach. I was really bad at it initially. He didn't chase me off but he didn't coddle me either. He motivated me to improve. The one thing that all three of them have in common is that the moment I met them I had no idea that they would alter my life. It wasn't until months and perhaps years later that I would realize that my meeting them had been a turning point. Perhaps that is what I am after. Maybe someone reading will meet someone who talks about Crossfit. Perhaps they will invite you to try. Perhaps because you have heard me mention it you will try it out. . . and be changed. One thing that is a little hokey, but I have seen it often is people referencing their "Crossfit Birthdate." While I think it is a little hokey, I know when it is. August 16, 2010 was my first Crossfit WOD. March 28, 2011 for Trainer. December 17, 2011 for Kids. We all remember important dates, no?

  6. Oh yeah, yesterday I did 3 rounds of one minute each for 5 exercises for max reps

    KBS @53#
    Box Jumps
    Thrusters @63#
    212 reps

    Today I ran five miles pushing Tessie in the jog stroller. 2.5 miles downhill in 19:59 and 2.5 miles uphill in 23:50

    I am hoping to sneak in one more WOD today.

  7. Afternoon WOD

    5 RFT
    10 Knees to Elbows
    20 Pushups
    30 Situps for round 1 and 5, Squats for round 2,3 and 4

