Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lion or Lamb?

So how is March coming in where you live?  More importantly how are YOU coming into March?  Are you going to be a lion or a lamb? 

Being a lion doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be super intense and tear yourself up.  The focus of a lion is what we are after.  Be focussed on your goals and pursue them as a big cat pursues its meal.  The lion is the hunter and the lamb is the hunted.  There are those that are improving and those who are not.  We want to be among those that are improving.  Progress takes time.  Anything worth working towards is going to take long periods of focussed and intense effort.  What doesn't seem possible today will be routine tomorrow if you begin applying yourself right now. 

So, we have had some hiccups with our Paleo Challenge.  That is okay.  I am very proud of everyone following our program on this here blog because we all could have simply hidden from one another.  The purpose of community is not just accountability but also support.  We support one another.  If we stumble and fall we help each other back up and maybe help brush the dirt of our backsides.  Not only that, but we recognize that we may not all have the same goals.  We may not have the same reasons for doing what we do.  Speaking personally, I have many varied reasons for doing Crossfit.  One of which is that I believe very simply that I would be lost without it at this point. 

Here is the Greg Glassman "Crossfit in 100 words" quote:
From CrossFit HQ:
"Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports."
There is nothing in there that says "eat Paleo" or "Follow the Zone Diet."  Those are simply diets that are compatible with Crossfit.  Evidence suggests that those diets enhance performance, but there is a lot of performance gain out there for all of us before we reach the point where our diet is the only thing holding us back. 
So. . . .if you want to keep going Paleo, feel free.  I am going to see it through until Easter.  If you don't that is cool too.  I am going to continue putting up 5 WODs per week and if you want to work in a 6th day I would fill that day with "sport."  Run, bike, swim, hike, play basketball, hockey, football, soccer. . . wrestle with your kids, punch someone in the nose. 
The WOD for tomorrow:
For Time
10 Thrusters
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
30 Front Squats
40 Kettlebell Swings
50 Pushups
Try to maintain a weight straight across the first three movements.  I am going to shoot for 75 or 95 I think.  The 20 SDHP at 95 is the only thing that worries me. 
If you don't have weights, you can do all of these movements holding a block, rock or log.  If no kettlebell I would suggest subbing in a squat clean of that other object from the floor to your chest.
Any questions feel free to hit me up.  Lisa, not even a comment on the GHD and weights?  Jeez Louise.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Leap Day 2012

Alright Lisa.  You win! 

I bought the GHD AND the bumper weights today.  I am going to go back for med balls and squat racks next week.  There is a pretty extravagant squat rack/pullup setup.  It is pretty tall for the garage and a thousand bucks.  I just don't know that I want to leave a thousand dollar piece of equipment outside.  Even in San Diego.  We will see.

I bought 365 pounds of bumper weights.  Actually 350 and 15 pounds of iron Olympic weights.  5 pound and 2.5 pound will never hit the floor so they need not be rubber.  The bar is a little bigger around than I am used to but it is okay.  31 mm is definitely as thick as I want to go.  The GHD is not a Sorinex, but the footplate might as well be as it is the first GHD other than Sorinex that I have ever used that my feet don't fall out of it.  This is why I bought it.  That and it was a couple hundred less than a Sorinex.  As you can see from the pictures it is assembled in our garage and the bumper weights are in there as well.  I did some GHD situps as part of my warmup today.  I did the Rx'd WODs for Monday and Tuesday.  I got to play with the bumpers a bit.  I think I want to put some rubber flooring in the garage.  The bar is longer than the other weights so the soundproof room is a wee bit tight, especially if you drop them. 

So the WOD for Leap Day:

2 Rounds for Time
29 Double Unders
29 Box Jumps
29 Broad Jumps
29 Jump squats
29 Hops on each foot

Plenty of leaping and jumping.  Yeah, Leap Day!

No need for my new equipment tomorrow.  Maybe I will do some extra.  Actually I am going to the gym so I hope to double up.

Monday, February 27, 2012

February 28, 2012

"Bob's Tasty Combo #3"

Snatch 3-3-3
Snatch High Pull 3-3-3
Snatch Push Jerk from behind the neck 4-4-4-4

Kind of a dorky name for a WOD, but when you steal them you don't have a choice I guess.  I went to "" and just let the random WOD generator give us a couple of them for the current batch of 7 or so. 

The best part of this one is that I will be able to get in a run and maybe two WODs as it isn't really a "scorcher." 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Monday February 27, 2012

Twelve years ago on this date we found Mama and her puppies on the drive home from my "Cub Scout Family Weekend" meeting in Kinston.

I am glad that I saw your post.  I was starting to worry I was the only one reading this!  Great work on the pushups.  I am curious as to whether I could have pushed through had I seen your results.  It is that competitive part of me that drives me. 

The WOD:

2012 Crossfit Games Open WOD #1

7 minutes
As many Burpees as possible.  Fix an object or string at six inches above your reach and a successful rep is when you touch that point at the top of the jump. 

Saturday, February 25, 2012


I love oranges.  They are so sweet.  The kids cleared the tangerine tree today.  I told them it was okay to have some. . . I didn't know they would eat them all.  At least I have still oranges to eat. 

The WOD:

"Death by Pushup"
1 pushup the first minute, 2 the second and so forth until you can no longer do the appropriate number in one minute.  If you fail before twenty minutes subtract 5 from the number of your last successful round and do that many pushups until 20 minutes is achieved.  If you can go past 20 then do so. 

If you do twenty minutes successfully it is only 210 pushups.  It is just how fast you can do them. 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Boring Friday

Okay, this is the post for Saturday.  I know.  However, I wanted to comment on what a boring Friday night it is.  It is the first Friday of Lent and I am on the paleo diet. . . .no beer.  No wine.  No booze.  I was reading Zymurgy Magazine for a while.  I bottled beer today, I transferred wine to the secondary.  Those activities and the reading makes one want to have a drink.  I probably would have if not for the fact that I had plenty in Massachusetts.  This whole Paleo diet thing works though.  I have no doubt that I will the lightest I have been since moving to California by the time the NCAA tournament starts. 

We went to Crossfit Kids this afternoon.  Gwen learned shoulder press.  She now has air squat, pushup, burpees, pullups, jump rope and shoulder press in her repertoire.  We missed the front squat and thrusters while we were away.  I can "coach her up."  Ben, Drew and I are going to slay muscle-ups.  The Crossfit Games have started.  I am thinking about signing up and then just having one of them score me for the WODs.  I have no delusions of going past the "Open" division so it is all just for fun. 

The WOD for Saturday:

3 Rounds For Time
Bear Crawl 50 meters
35 Box Jumps

My paleo score for the day is another 9!  Two days in a row.  After a crummy Monday and Tuesday I have surged and find myself at 29 points heading into the weekend when theoretically sleep is easier and I still have two WODs in my pocket.  I have no idea where everyone is regarding the Paleo Challenge.  Maybe on Sunday or Monday we can all post our three week point totals.  That would help me.  I can dig back through if need be, but surely we all remember what we have done. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 24, 2012

Welcome back! 

So we are now on day 19 of 62 in the Paleo Challenge.  I have long known Lent to be longer than 40 days.  That is because they don't count the Sundays.  No matter, it just is easier for us to not eat garbage now.  Almost one-third of the way there.  My score for this week four days in is a meager 20 with almost all of those points coming in the last two days.  At least I can say that the girls and I enjoyed a nice lunch at the Cisco Brewpub in Logan Airport.  I wanted to buy the glass, but didn't because it said "Nantucket" on it and we weren't on Nantucket.  Cool glass though.  It had a great quote on the back "nice beer if you can get it."  I had found six-packs of their stuff so I had tried almost all of it before we were done at the airport.  The past two days have been nearly perfect for me.  I missed my sleep for the first night by minutes, but have nailed every other available point including last night's sleep. 

I was supposed to do some beer bottling and wine making today, but forgot the girls had dental appointments.  Ione is now free of her harmful habit device.  She hasn't sucked her thumb for a while, so I had them take it out.  Gwen goes back next Thursday for two fillings.  She has some deep pockets in the molars and a bit of decay has started.  Time to get her on the fish oil. 

The WOD:

50 Med Ball Clean (or lightweight cleans if you don't have a medicine ball)
50 Toes to Bar
50 Pullups

As for me I had a little stagnation on the scale during our trip.  I am a half pound heavier than I was before we left.  I should be able to take that off before the weekend.  Still 6.5 pounds down from the start.  A pound every three days to hit the 20 pounds I said I could do. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A few days

Just in case I can't make it to a computer the next couple of days here are a few WODs to do.  I am hoping the hotel has Wi-fi.  Most do these days, right? 

11 Minute AMRAP
10 Pistol Squats (5 per side)
15 Kettlebell Swings
25 Pushups

Handstand Pushups

Push Jerk (find 1 Rep Max)
then complete 50 Burpees

30 Clean and Jerks for Time

Okay, that is that.  I am going to be doing Bodyweight WODs on the go.  Maybe Jonny and I will do some together!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Middle of February

Once every four years February has a middle day.  The rest of the time it is just two halves and the 15th is no different than any other day.  Not on leap year!  The 15th is special!  I think that the 15th of February is a lot like a person.  Most of us are nothing out of the ordinary most of the time.  Every once in a while we get to be special.  The flip side of that is usually we don't want the attention when the spotlight hits us.  Either we aren't ready, don't feel we deserve it or we simply want to say "hey, I am just one guy (or gal) like you."  No need to throw me a parade.  No need to kill the fatted calf.  It is easy to imagine that the 15th of February, when he is at the bar with all the other days, has to constantly remind the 26th of February and the 3rd of May that "hey, I am just another day like you man."  Sure, the 15th gets his admission to the club with the 16th of January, March, May, July, August, October and December.  But he really doesn't feel he belongs with those folks even though they always welcome him when he arrives once every four years.  He belongs with January 11 or March 9 or October 30.  He doesn't want the hub-bub that comes with being one of his front-running relatives February 14 or February 2.

So what is my point?  We are all just one person.  We all have a unique identity at the same time.  We are one of many, but also just one of one.  That is pretty special.  The only thing that changes is how others view us and sometimes how we view ourselves.  It is important to remember that every one of us is just as special as any other person.  Don't believe the hype. . . nobody is anymore important than anyone else.  You just have a different web.  A different network.  To the people that are closest to you, you mean everything.  To those who know you, you mean a lot.  Never got caught up in comparing yourself to anybody else.  The job of February 15 is to be the best February 15th it can be every year. . . not just leap year.  Don't get me started about February 29. . . he is like that recidivist uncle that everyone pretends doesn't exist.  But I digress.  Our job is to our best every day.  There is always someone faster, stronger, fitter.  Our job is to make ouselves better.  Let's honor February 15th!

5 Rounds for Time
10 Overhead Squats
15 Pullups
20 Situps

Post time to comments if you will, please.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine's Day!

This should be a buddy WOD of sorts.  There are some couples WODs out there, but since I know that 0% of the people following have a significant other who is both doing Crossfit and on the same continent, we won't do a buddy WOD. 

Valentine's Day.  I sent Lisa some dark chocolate macadamia bark and she received it!  Score one for me.  Aside from that I will ship out some Girl Scout cookies.  I won't conspire against any more than that. 

My Paleo score for the day is a 7.  I was heading for an 8 until about an hour ago.  The girls wanted a snack and we had some Mediterranean root vegetables.  I had bought them thinking that they were paleo friendly.  They tasted way to good to be legal.  I am pretty sure they don't maintain the spirit of "no processed foods" so that is a lost point for me.  Had I made my 8 hours sleep I wouldn't have been so weak and scored that 9.  The girls and I went to Crossfit Kids tonight.  Gwen did over 100 squats.  She did some band assisted pullups.  She bear crawled.  She played Crossfit dodgeball (she did burpees and jumping jacks as part of that).  I think I earned my reputation as the "mean coach."  The kids played musical medicine balls and when they tied they had to do a squat off.  30 seconds as many squats as possible.  I "no repped" my kids a whole bunch for either not going deep enough or not opening the hips at the top.  Hey, if you don't hit the standards then it is no rep.  Gwen made 25 in her squat off even with me no repping her for not opening her hips.  I was pretty impressed.  I can only make somewhere in the 31-37 range in 30 seconds typically. 

The WOD:

3-3-3 Deadlifts
We are trying to find a 3 rep max.  If you don't have enough weight to max (as I still don't) then build up with what you have in increments of 5.  In other words, do 5 reps, 10 reps, 15 reps, 20 reps. . . until form breaks down and you cannot safely complete the set.  That should still achieve the effect we are looking for. 

then run 3 miles

Simple.  Post times, weights/reps to comments please.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 13, 2012

So my score for week 1 was 49/61.  I lost 2 points for legumes, 1 point for alcohol, 1 point for grains, 2 points for processed foods and was only able to secure 1/7 points for sleep after a miracle last night.  I made the kids clean their rooms so they didn't eat and go to bed until 9:30.  I fell asleep between 11:30 and midnight and woke up at 8:03.  I was thrilled as I had no more WOD points for the week. 

I am hoping to do better on the sleep this week. . . come on 2!  5 for WODs is a cinch.  I ate "dry" salad and almost choked to death at Souplantation tonight.  Rough.  The kids loved it there.  Tessie LOVES cream of  broccoli soup. 

We walked around selling Girl Scout cookies (one guy told me I needed a motor for the wagon on these hills) and then went to the playground where the girls made me chase them and catch them so I got my heart rate up on a non-WOD day. 

I look forward to seeing what everyone scored for week 1.  I am proud of myself for staying on target today.  It was tough to not be my normal "Sunday slug" self, but I did it.  Maybe next week.  I am going to try and trick myself into 9 weeks of that.

The WOD for tomorrow is in memory of my grandfather who would have been 88 years old Monday.  He passed away early Friday morning.  I will explain why I chose the exercises in my comments after I complete it.

3 Rounds for Time
25 Situps
Skip 100 meters or Skip rope 100 times if distance restricted
25 Situps
20 Pullups
25 Situps
20 Pushups
25 Situps
20 Broad Jumps

Scale as necessary.  Post Time to comments.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Weekend February 11 and 12, 2012

The name of the game for the weekend is to make up WOD or rest.  5 WODs per week and two days of rest.  When you take them is up to you.  I like mine to both fall on the weekend, but every once in a while I like to do an easy WOD or run with my extra days.  I didn't do a WOD for Friday so I will make up "Fran" over the weekend.  Tomrorrow I am one of the responsible parents for a Girl Scout Cookie table.  They need one parent with a military ID to do the exchange. . . that means me.  At least our family opened the door to a new sales opportunity for the Troop!  Sunday will be church.  I am hoping to get more sleep on the weekend if I can avoid getting up at 6:30.  I think that is going to be my plan. . . 8 hours of sleep for my weekend days because I just need to stay in bed! 

My Paleo Score for the day was 6.  I broke my diet on a special trip with the kids.  Not because I planned to, but because I finished up what they didn't. 

Jonny, if you don't want to do thrusters for the "Fran" you can do a "Bodyweight Fran" and substitute Burpees for the Thrusters.  If anyone else is "gung ho" and wants to go for an extra WOD that would be a good one. . . 21-15-9 of Burpees and Pullups.  Fun!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Coconut Milk

So we are on to Day 5 of 62 in the Paleo Challenge.  I realized today that I was growing envious of the children as they drank their cups of milk.  I have probably had milk nearly every "normal" day of my life.  By that I mean when I am not camping, hiking or travelling in some way.  As long as I have had refrigeration I have had milk.  It is cool and tastes good. 

While Gwen was at Girl Scouts I took the other two to Costco.  They love munching on the free samples.  We bought all manner of nuts.  We have walnuts, cashews, macadamia nuts, almonds, pecans.  I bought some organic baked apple chips to try and trick everyone away from potato chips and nachos.  That didn't work but at least I have another snack food.  Dried fruit and nuts need to be consumed sparingly due to the sugar and the fat that reside in them. . . but they do offer some alternatives and variations to the normal meals.  I ended up throwing away a chocolate and peanut butter protein bar, a couple of kashi granola bars and skipping all sorts of other "free food" stands.  I didn't break.  It was perhaps the first time in my life that I have thrown food away instead of just eating it.  It makes me feel bad. . . but it makes me feel good.  Bad for being wasteful.  Good for resisting temptation.  After the two trashed snacks I realized that I shouldn't let them try it if I don't think they will eat it.  So there was some disappointment in the Costco trip today.  They didn't get nearly as much food.  We bought nuts, fruit and beer though.  Why did I buy beer?  Because there were a few I hadn't tried and it was cheap.  Crazy logic for a guy who is making beer and wine at a pace that is faster than the rate at which it is being consumed.  When zero is consumed that doesn't take a lot.  Anyway, that is a whole lot of information for tying to say "I bought some cocounut milk."  The early reviews from the kids are that they like it better than almond milk.

So my score for today is an 8.  It was a hard earned 8 and I am proud of it.  If I could only learn to sleep.  Here is the WOD for tomorrow:

Thrusters (95#/65# is Rx for men/women)

I fully anticipate a lot of scaling.  The idea is to do this "benchmark WOD" now and then again as the last WOD of our Paleo challenge.  My hope is that the improvement sells the program.  Crossfit, Paleo or both will make you healthier and I would contend happier.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 9, 2012

Day 4 of 62 in the Paleo Challenge.  This is going to go by fast, right?  7 points for me again today.  I was close to an eight pointer until I realized I put salad dressing on my salad.  Darn salad dressing. 

The WOD for tomorrow:

3 Rounds for Time
5 Turkish Get Ups per side
10 Kettlebell Clean and Press per side
15 Crossfit Standard Pushups (release hands at bottom so torso is on the deck)
20 Situps

I am hopeful (and pretty sure) that this WOD will make Pushups seem like a "break."  The Situps should be tougher than you would imagine after doing the TGU. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 8, 2012

Day 3 of 62 in the Paleo Challenge.  I scored another 7 point day.  Lost a point for the kidney beans in the chili.  Other than that it was a clean day of eating and I did the WOD.  Failed to get 8 hours of sleep again.  I read Omnivore's Dilemma until almost 1 AM so it almost feels like that should be worth something.  So for me 14 points after two days.  I am interested to see how I feel and how it continues to evolve.  My last foray into Paleo I was supercharged by the end.  I saw Jenn's score for Monday.  Jonny will post when he returns to work Thursday. . . he has that crazy 4 on 4 off with some 7 and 5 day weekends.  He has the program and is working.  We'll see what he does.  Lisa, you emailed that you were posting your data on Beerbells, but I haven't seen it.  I hope it didn't go the way of that other email you tried to send.  Into the ether. 

For tomorrow. . . keep up the good work on paleolithic eating and also do this WOD:

Hold On Tabata

One arm/one leg plank

4 rounds of each hold.  Hold for twenty seconds.  Rest for 10 seconds.  2 minutes of each is 4 rounds.  4 exercises times 2 minutes each.  This WOD will take 8 minutes.  I plan to have Gwen time my rounds so I don't have to look at my watch.  If you need to take a few seconds to transition between exercises, do it but try to keep it as close to 8 minutes as possible. 

I will make up another WOD during the day or go to the gym.  I will do this when the kids come home so Gwen can time me.  Maybe in the morning? 

Monday, February 6, 2012

February 7, 2012

Day 2 of 62 of the Paleo Challenge.   Day 1 went pretty well.  My only contraband was that which I had already resigned myself to and that was the kidney beans in the chili.  If that is the worst thing I ate today it was a very good day.  Some nuts, fruit, meat and brocolli rounded it out.  I got through the day with no eggs.  I am going to do my best to use eggs sparingly as it is just such an easy option.  The girls like the nuts and fruit.  They had a pretty clean day too.  They had some cheese and Girl Scout cookies but other than that they were clean. 

The first week or two will be easy.  The real test will be the first time that there is some delectable looking option that is off limits a few weeks in.  It is only 9 weeks and the extra boost of Lent is going to make it so easy.  My hope is that at the end of it all I don't want to go back.  That happened to me 8 years ago when I initially cleaned up my diet.  Now it is about taking it to another level. 

The WOD for tomorrow should be fun.

Run 1 mile.  Every minute do 30 walking lunge steps.  The lunges can count towards the distance.  If using a treadmill I would say you want to do the 30 lunges at the start.  Then run a half or quarter mile and do the required lunges.  Then finish and do the rest.  The time is for completing the full mile and all required lunges.  The minute "zero" is a 30 lunge minute.  If you are really sick you can sub 200 Double Unders for the run.  This WOD will take a little while I think.  I ran today and did the 210 squats so I am thinking this will be interesting.  The blisters on my pinky toes tell me to just stick with the five fingers.  I ran in running shoes for the first time in two plus months.  It didn't work out very well.

Best of luck on the Paleo challenge.  I don't have standings to post yet, but my Day 1 netted me 7 points.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Superbowl Sunday

Okay, so the workout will be for Monday.  I was thinking about throwing a simple "fun" WOD out for today, but didn't get to it.  My well laid plan to cook and take things to someone else's house has been foiled.  Tessie is miserable and sleeping on the floor.  We are supposed to be there in an hour.  Looks like I have a lot of chili to eat this week. 

Here is what we are going to do.  The WOD for tomorrow is scheduled for 5 rounds.  If the Patriots lose to the Giants we are going to do 7 rounds.  Sound good?  Great.  Now I know everyone is cheering for the Patriots.

5 Rounds for Time
10 Deadlift
20 Situps
30 Air Squats

We also start our "Paleo Challenge" tomorrow.  Post your daily scores whenever you post.

7 Points for eating paleo
-1 points for eating ANY dairy, grains, legumes, processed sugar, processed foods or alcohol.  Only 1 point lost even if you eat two servings of dairy or 10 servings of dairy. 
+1 point for doing a WOD (maximum 5 points per week)
+1 point for sleeping 8 hours (max 1 point per day--you can't get two for sleeping 16 hours)
Max score of 61 points per week. 

Any questions just ask. 

2 hours until kickoff as I write this. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

February 3, 2012

Cake Pops!  I made them with the girls this afternoon.  We ate cake pops, Girl Scout cookies, nachos.  I am probably going to gain 5 pounds this week.  I am diligent in the morning and then in the afternoons I am lured into the trap of "cleaning up the contraband" before the Paleo challenge.  I am eliminating all temptation.  We are close.  I will only buy "junk" for the kids that I don't like.  Plain Hershey bars, plain ice cream, popsicles, Cheerios. . . I don't like any of that.  I really don't like nachos anymore I learned today.  Chips I learned I no longer like about a month ago.  I really don't like cookies either.  Why do I eat them?  It is counterintuitive.  I eat them because I plan to NOT eat them.  It is weird.  I need to conquer that little mental challenge as I really don't care for most of that food if given a choice.  I would take a juicy burger over all of it.  Mmmm.  Burgers.  I am making Cincinatti chili for the Superbowl.  That is going to sabotage my own paleo score with the leftovers the first couple days on account of the kidney beans.  Unless it all gets eaten. 

Ione and I read for almost 45 minutes at bedtime today.  We are two days into February and way ahead of our pace on reading minutes for December and January.  Paleo and reading. 

Okay, enough blathering by me.

There will be mutliple WODs for tomorrow:

Team WOD (15 Minute--Option to go to 22 if 3 members)
Pullups/Thrusters (third team member run/bike/elliptical trainer)
5 Pullups for one member
Other member does max Thrusters.  Pullup team member relieves thruster team member.  Bar cannot hit the floor.  Thruster team member to run or to pullup if only 2.

Score is total pullups minus total thrusters.  Tally total distance of run/machine separately.  Post to comments.

Individual WOD
10, 9. 8, 7, 6,5,4,3,2,1
Double Unders
Overhead Squats
Knees to Elbows

For bodyweight WODders.  Double Under jumping rope can be scaled to singles.  3 singles for one double.  So 30, 27, and so forth.  Overhead squats can be done with a broomstick overhead if you have no weight.  Knees to Elbows you just need a bar to hang on.  Knees up to your elbows.  If you don't have a bar to hang on then do situps. 

Lisa, I am posting this WOD expecting you to do it on Saturday and hence be synched up with the rest of us.  I hope to eventually get myself doing them a day ahead and posting my times when I post the WODs.  It may not happen, but a guy can dream. 

Stacie. . . hi.  I know you might be reading.  If you are, then feel free to just jump in .  Do what you can.  Post if you have questions.  We are all friends here!  We are going to become machines!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Groundhog Day

For Phil Connors every day starts the same.  For all of us each round will start the same. . . as a matter of fact the exercises will stay the same the whole way. . .

20 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 and so forth and so on. . .

If you don't have a kettlebell or enough kettlebells sub air squats
3 Box Jumps
3 Pushups
3 Kettlebell Swings
6 Box Jumps
6 Pushups
9 Box Jumps
9 Pushups
12 Box Jumps
12 Pushups
12 KBS
15, 18, 21 until 20 minutes is up.  Post how far you made it to the comments.

Happy Groundhog's Day!  It is fitting here.  Every day is pretty much the same weather wise.