Thursday, June 14, 2012

Food Stands

My kids LOVE them!  They think that going to Costco is one of the greatest destination vacations known to man.  I do have to hand it to them, they mix it up with the variety.  Today the girls had peanut butter cups, chocolate covered acai berries, lemonade, brownies, cheddar popcorn, yogurt and probably something I am forgetting.  We bought some sockeye salmon and pistacchio/cherry mix for a salad topper.  My weakness was front and center for just a moment. . . even though I make a lot of beer and wine and we have probably twenty cases of beer around when you add in store bought and the kegs. . . I can't pass up a good deal for something out of the ordinary or even just that I haven't had in a while.  Firestone Walker has debuted mixed cases at the local Costco and for $23.99 I couldn't say no.  They are one of my favorite "large" microbreweries. 

To finish the story, or my reason for telling it, I had an idea:  tour all of the local Costco stores some weekend day to see if I could feed my kids on nothing but "Food Stands" as they are affectionately known by the three girls I call daughters.  I think that the real challenge will be to try and feed them three balanced meals using nothing but "food stands."  Start early and maybe nab some cereal, yogurt or breakfast burritos.  Maybe turkey bacon like they had today.  For lunch we can search out the sandwiches and maybe some fruit or a little bit of soup.  Dinner we should be able to come up with some fish or meat.  Maybe a salad of one sort or another.  Desert will be a snap. 

So, should this be a goal of mine?  I think it would be great fun.  It would be even better with video and photos turned into a "mockumentary."  I have dreams too.

The WOD:

5 Rounds For Time
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
15 Wall Balls
30 Situps

Sub for wall balls if no medicine ball is available should be a front squat with just the bar. 


  1. Genius! I think you should make that a goal, I know we do BJs up here, out here, over here....whatever you pacific people call us now, we have come close to a full meal but we had to go to BJs and Super Walmart.

    You need to do a mockumentary of your exploits.

  2. Mockumentary - fun for kids!
    We love food trucks. We have rows and rows of them in Hawaii. Thai, pizza, Greek, burgers, shrimp... Everything!
    I am always here, reading! I look forward to seeing what this morphs into. If it goes away you will probably get regular updates from me on FB. :)

    I don't do anything during our Disney trip.


    30 dead lifts 65#
    30 situps
    400m run

    50 (25 each side) Russian twists 12#
    50 plank shoulder taps
    3 rounds

  3. I didn't remember my own Rx so I ended up going heavy on the Front Squats

    75# for SDHP
    75# for FS
    ABMAT situps
    15:03-15:13ish. I couldn't get my watch to stop and then looked down and it was on another screen. I finally got it stopped at 15:13 but some time had elapsed. Nice little burn.
