Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Just when you think you are getting ahead. . .

So a funny thing happened this evening. 

First let me tell you a little about myself.  Lisa knows this about me, but others may not. 

Normally when I clean I "tidy up."  When I REALLY clean I go above and beyond the level that anyone I have ever met would go.  I am talking wiping out the individual slots in the air vents, pulling the weeds in the yard, dusting the cobwebs off the gutters type of cleaning.  If it was on the property it got attention. 

Rosebushes were pruned, windows were washed, grass was mowed and weeded, basketball hoops assembled, training wheels onto bikes and "tune-ups" done to bikes.  Trash cans cleaned, cat box emptied and scrubbed, laundry all done, towel rack on Lisa's side of bathroom repaired.  None of that sounds like a normal cleaning adventure does it?  This is how I clean.  When I clean the house could be shown for sale afterward.  So now my workout space in the garage seems huge.  The kids toyboxes are free of little scraps of paper, dust and random crap that I had no idea what it was.  The furniture was moved so I could scrub the floor beneath it.  I painted the bench that Lisa and Gwen had started in October.  It looks like the American flag sans stars.  Gwen wanted to do the stars with a cardboard stencil she made, but I said "nah, let's go find some star stickers and paint them white."  I gave Gwen the pruners and put her to work as I did other things, but found myself finishing up.  After the training wheels I turned my attention to the basketball hoops.  I had let them sit in a pile and be an eyesore for long enough.  All of my excuses weren't cutting it in my mind anymore and it was time to go to work.  The little kids hoop went mostly well.  We set it up on the patio out back.  This led to inflating the mini-basketballs. 

Back to the big hoop.  We got it together after several adventures.  One of the wheels rolled all the way down the hill.  Gwen and I were searching the driveway for it.  We were coming up empty.  I was getting irritated.  Gwen says "Daddy, there is something black in the road down there.  Maybe that is it."  My initial reaction was "no way in hell."  I didn't say that though.  I let her go for an adventure.  Wouldn't you know it!  The wheel rolled out of our driveway and about 150 yards down the hill.  If it had gone any further it would have rounded a corner and been out of sight.  But we press on.  I am cursing the movers for taking it apart so thoroughly.  I am cursing myself for not selling it.  It is finally assembled and the base needs to be filled with water.  I stand it up and have the children stand on the base.  I run the hose around to fill it.  I feel a bite on my back and had just been crawling in spiders.  I pull up my shirt to have the girls check my back.  They step OFF the base of the hoop.  The hoop tips.  I try to stop hoop from crashing down on Lisa's car.  My forearm sustains the blow of the basketball hoop.  My forearm really hurts and is quite swollen hours later.  I only slow its fall.  It crashes THROUGH the rear window of Lisa's car.  Yup.  Your bumper sticker is going to be gone.  I am happy that I prevented any structural damage to the metal.  I am not happy about the knot on my arm.  I have forgotten about the bite on my back.  I am proud of myself for not blowing up.  I told the kids it was my fault.  I set them up to fail.  They tried to own it, which made me proud.  Gwen and Ione said "Daddy, you didn't do anything."  But I knew better.  Tessie just thought it was fun to poke the pieces of the shatterproof glass into the back of Lisa's car.  Gwen pointed out that "Daddy, at least you cleaned the garage and you can put Mommy's car in the garage until you get it fixed."

Did I mention that I pruned the bamboo today too? 

The WOD:

4 Rounds for Time
20 Medicine Ball Cleans
50 Lunges (25 per side)
20 Kettlebell Snatch (10 per side)

Estes Express called today and they are delivering the kegerator between 10-2 tomorrow.  This was going to be a wonderful celebration, but now I need to figure out how much the window will cost.  Does USAA cover the glass all around?  I am going to call them first in the morning. 

At least my parents will be here to help with shuttling cars around.  I have the kitchen, dining room, living room 1 and 4 bathrooms left to go before I hit my mark.  This is my "test run" for how I am going to clean when Lisa is en route to the states.  I think I need to add an extra day or two to the plan.  And not break anything.


  1. Drinking vodka in crystal light iced tea while reading stories to the kids and typing on the computer is not a great idea. Well, it might be a good idea, but I don't measure. That is a bad idea. Oh well.

  2. OH. The car. And the arm. Ahhhhhhhh! Sorry for you, Gary! (Is that the veterans for Obama sticker???)

    Saturday I did about 50 back extensions.

    Sunday I woke up fine. Walked to church. Taught CCD. And by the time I walked from the CCD building to Mass (it is really just one building), my back was in complete spasm. It hasn't ever happened before. Looking straight on into the mirror, my left shoulder aligned with a spot somewhere to the right of my belly button. Freaky looking. I did see a doctor on day 2. I am getting better. I am a little crooked. I feel bruised. And I can't lift. But I can move. And that is a big improvement. I bought a 20# KB today. I left it in the car. Lifting it out wasn't going to go well...


    Thanks for cleaning. . . .

  4. Lisa,

    You can order one of your liking and I will have it on there when you get home or you can leave it up to me and I will surprise you. . . . Ron Paul 2012!!! Just kidding. I could have said Santorum.

  5. The car window will be done between 1-5 PM tomorrow in the driveway. Yup, the Veterans for Obama sticker. The arm is okay I think. It has a really hard lump on the one bone down by the elbow. I was able to accomplish the rest of my chores and threw in a couple pullups and spinning the kids on those crazy spinning wheels at the playground while my van got serviced. I told them when I made this appointment that I needed tires. They told me when I showed up today I had to order them and make an appointment. What the heck? I could have ordered them on Monday. Such is life in the big city.

  6. SANTORUM?! Oh, you would have been in such trouble. "Such is life in the big city"--you sound like Nanny. Enjoy your time with your parents, G.

  7. Next time, leave it leaning, grab the hose, fill the base, then stand it up.
    I figured since no one was arm chair quarterbacking this mess, I might as well do it.

  8. Jon: You are too funny! Such a guy.
