Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Today Ione had a soccer game in which I was coaching.  Afterwards we came home and my mother put the kids to bed and my father and I went out for beers.  We had beer at Green Flash Brewing and then went to Brewski for more beer and a bite to eat.

While we were drinking beer and having conversation we touched upon the subject of money.  We had been talking about "being rich" and what exactly that meant.  My father said that he felt my grandmother was one of the richest people he knew despite the fact she didn't have a lot of money because she wants for nothing and always has family around her.  We carried that conversation forward.  We talked about what we might do differently with more money.  In the case of my father this is a silly conversation as he knows what he is doing.  My part is what might be relevant to all of you Crossfitters.  If I had more money I would do EXACTLY NOTHING differently.  Yup.  I want to own a brewpub and a gym.  I am  a certified Crossfit trainer and I am in school to be a brewer.  If I had a lot of money I might open my own brewpub or Crossfit Gym.  The Crossfit Gym I could do because I have the training.  The brewpub I would still go to school to learn how to do it properly first.  This was a huge realization for me.  I would not do anything differently than I am doing right now if I had unlimited cash.  I might worry less, but I would do nothing differently.  I wouldn't open a pub or gym without the proper training to make sure I could do it successfully.  This made me realize something.  I have all that I need.  Sure, I could ask for more.  The fact is that I am doing now exactly what I would be doing with a couple million dollars.  Amazing.  This made me feel very rich.  So there is my tale for the day.

The WOD:

15 Box Jumps
50 Walking Lunges (or 25 per side)
5 Pullups
25 Situps
10 Deadlifts
20 Pushups



  1. Thursday, 12 April 2012

    Cool date, huh?

    We played the Deck O' Cards today with the Thunderlab students. We went for 30 mins and they did great! You know that CrossFit is sweeping the globe when a 21-year old Afghan female can demonstrate a burpee! Pretty cool. We look forward to working with the females 2x per week. They want to play basketball and for this I will defer to Candis! For EVERYONE'S sake.


    Day 45 of the Burpee Challenge.

  2. Friday, 13 Apr 2012

    Ooh, Friday the 13th. Watch out!


    Double unders: I did ALL DUs today!


    Way better than the last time I did "Annie" a few months ago, it was like 30 mins and I did some singles. The best part is I did ALL DUs (and I didn't have any "accidents")! Woohoo!

    Day 46. They were tough this morning. Tough, tough, tough.
