Thursday, April 26, 2012

Nelson Hops

So if Lisa ever had any doubts that she is constantly on my mind, today is a day that could be used as a symbol of how omi-present she is in my thoughts. 

The girls and I were at the store to pick up some more bland foods to feed the ailing dog.  As I am nursing Sierra, hopefully, back to some form of health I have one goal and that is to keep her healthy enough to see Lisa again (yeah, I know Sierra is blind. . . I will turn the light on for her).  That is "exhibit a."

Exhibit "B" would be that while we were in the store today I noticed Sam Adams Noble Pils and Lattitude 48 IPA, neither of which I had seen in a while.  I thought of Lisa, as those are both beers she enjoys.  The real clincher however was when I saw the limited release beer from Widmer Brothers in Portland.  Nelson Imperial IPA.  When we first arrived in Southern California we went to a few brewpubs and breweries.  There was one particular hop variety that Lisa really didn't like.  Since we know a little bit about beer, we had isolated it and suspected it was nelson.  My best comparison is cat urine.  I shared this comparison with my father when he and I were pub crawling.  He hadn't picked it up initially, but once I said it he admitted to not being able to shake it.  Hey, Dad, you are welcome for me ruining an entire swath of beers for you.  Anyway, today in the store I noticed this Nelson Imperial IPA.  At first I just kept walking as you would imagine I would.  BUT, I couldn't help myself.  It was an opportunity to confirm my suspicions.  It was an opportunity to give it another shot.  It was an opportunity to "have a beer with Lisa."  So I have opened the 22 ounce bottle.  I jotted down my tasting notes and now sit with about 18 ounces remaining in my glass.  The beer is really well done.  The malt is sweet and tasty.  That hops!  So "cat urine-y."  Delicious.  So, Lisa, it is confirmed.  I will think of you as I finish my beer.  It isn't bad really.  Just makes me shake my head with each sip as to why this is desirable in a beer.  Must be for people who smoke.  Their palates are wrecked anyway.  This is strong enough to register. 

The WOD:


Double Unders

2 minutes for each exercise in the format of 20 seconds max reps and 10 seconds rest.  Total of 4 rounds per movement.  The score is your LOWEST number of reps in a round for each of the 4 movements.  I learned the hard way on TABATA long ago.  I busted through 20 or 21 reps on pushups.  Held it for round 2.  17 for round 3 and then 12 for round 4.  It would obviously be better scoring wise to hold 15s.  Okay, that is all I have.  Sorry for my brief absence.  I have been a little distracted.  None of you would have liked what I had to say the last few days anyway. 


  1. I call all beer piss water. It is what all beer tastes like to me. I'm fascinated? mortified? to learn that piss is a desirable taste. I think I just vomited in my mouth a little.

    I will stick with nitrite free red zin, thank you very much.

  2. G: I thought it wasn't Nelson hops. Can you grab another one for me to try when I get home? Eww. . . . "Hey, this milke is expired--it is TERRIBLE! Want to try?" I think we should go sniff them at the home brew store. That will confirm. Cat urine-y is right. Bleck.

    Just so you know, we hop around with the WODs--we eventually make it through the list, just not in order! Women. . . .

    Friday, 27 April 2012

    20 min AMRAP (3 rds in 21-something)
    50 DU (3rd rd was all singles as I only had 3 mins left)
    10 Pullups
    15 Pushups
    20 Situps
    25 Squats

    *60 burpees

    *20+5 mins, treadmill, speed 5-7 kph, incline 2-12. This burned 368 calories. Holy crap. . . .

  3. I had to laugh about the cat uriney description. That is great. As I don't know a damn thing about the making do beer, I do know quite a bit about drinking it. Do they sell the Nelson beer out here?

  4. Jenn, I make wine too. I would contend that you just haven't tried the "right" beer yet.

    Lisa, I will pick one up today. There were only two left yesterday. Can you imagine? People almost bought out that stuff. It wasn't bad though. I was feeling it a little and it was only an 8.6%. Probably not enough food in my belly.

    Kevin, I am sure that this hop variety has made it out there and is being used. I am sure that it can be used in ways to draw out desirable characteristics and mute the ones that you don't like. I would like to "play" with it myself, but I don't want 5 gallons of undrinkable beer. Well, undrinkable beer is kind of like a unicorn. . . how about bad beer. I will do a little digging and see if I can give you a list of beers you could find out your way.

  5. I almost forgot to post my WOD results.

    Double Unders 25, 16, 16, 13 Score: 13
    Pushups 15, 15, 12, 9 Score: 9
    Squats 15, 15, 15, 15 Score: 15
    Situps 15, 15, 15, 17 Score: 17

    Total Score: 54

  6. Kevin, I found a couple of imports that will be your best bet. One is by Brewdog out of Scotland and is called "IPA is Dead." The other is by Mikkeller from Denmark and is called "Single Hop Nelson IPA."

    The Nelson Sauvin hop was propagated in New Zealand and introduced to the world in 2000. Its name comes from the fruity qualities that make it similar in flavor to the sauvignon blanc grapes/wines grown/vinted in New Zealand.

    Two stores that are probably a cut above the typical grocery type liquour store are Stan's Liqour Mart on Main St. in Athol (978)249-9550 and Kappy's Twin City Liqours on 220 Whalon St. in Fitchburg (978) 345-2900

    Those two are the closest I could find to Winchendon that were considered "specialty" beer stores. You have a brewpub in Gardner you know.
