Wednesday, April 18, 2012


So yesterday I chased off a couple swarms of honeybees.  They had started a hive in an upside-down flower pot.  There was a second swarm floating around by the trees.  I sprayed the swarm with water and they mustered on a tree branch to protect the queen.  I then flipped over all the flower pots that I was afraid were about to become my very own honey farm.  I flipped the one with the bees very carefully.  They swarmed on the outside and I sprayed water to chase them away.  The stubborn few that remained got hit with the poison.  That broke my heart because they were so docile.  I just couldn't leave them where the kids play and I am sure the next people to live here might be turned off by hives of bees.  Anyway, the swarms were gone this morning and oddly enough I saw "The Bee Guy" drive by in his truck emblazoned with name.  I am guessing one of the neighbors needed the swarms removed.  Not everyone is willing to tangle with bees like I am.  It kind of made me wish I knew how to "keep" them as I would have.  I am sure that someday when I want some bees I won't be able to attract them.  I will get wasps.  Karma. 

I also noticed that we have all sorts of birds, lizards and rabbits.  We had a snake out front and many spiders and other bugs.  I had to remove mice myself.  I guess that if nothing else, we have found a way to live with nature here in San Diego.  Just a little bit. 

For tomorrow's WOD:

Accumulate 2 minutes of L-sits

Front Squat

Then do as many cleans as possible in 4 minutes at a weight about 75% of your max.

I sit here now wishing I had already bought some squat racks.  I have some, but they aren't easy to use.  Crumbs.


  1. Six holds of L-sits got me to 1:56. I should have gutted it out, but it is tough when you can't see the watch or clock. 21, 21, 17, 19, 20, 18 and then a quick 6 to finish for 2:02 total.

    Front squats my wrist flexibility and the crappy squat racks were the limiting factors. I was going to go for a PR, but my wrists were toast and I didn't dare. I used the metal weights because the room where the squat racks are the olympic bar is too long. Another limiting factor. No excuses, just limiting factors. The weights were 125-145-155-165 and then no attempt at the last 1 which was supposed to be at 185 and match my PR. Back squat I would have killed it and if my wrists could handle it or I had a spotter I would dare to go higher on FS. Work in progress.

    4 minutes of Cleans at 95#. The wrist thing lingered, but I pushed anyway. I made 38 reps. My goal was 40, so I came close. That goal was set before any of the work. . . even the L-sits. It might have been a little aggressive, but not too much as the 38 indicates. My clean form is probably at an all-time best. I can feel the fatigue in the hamstrings and no issues in the lumbar. It is probably time to do a Max Load and see where I am at. It is good to be back in the "swing." Now I must keep it going and resist the crappy food that lingers after the guests depart.

    Lisa, tell me to save you Cadbury eggs and Girl Scout cookies for when you come home. Do it! Whether you want them or not. Just say something to make me stop eating them. It is amazing how much differently my body handles that after the lengthy paleo project. I gained weight fast and feel sluggish and fat. I also suffer from cravings. I have never had cravings in my entire life. It is like a withdrawal symptom from fat and sugar. I need to focus for a few days to detox.

  2. G: Save me Cadbury eggs and Girl Scout cookies for when I come home.

    (When do I get my gold star? Pat on the back? Thank you? I NEED SOME FORM OF APPRECIATION BECAUSE I CERTAINLY DON'T GET ANY IN THIS FUCKING PLACE!) Why, yes, things haven't gotten any better. How could you tell? More later--I need to go meet some guys. . . .

  3. You get two gold stars for that. . . and three bags of Cadbury mini-eggs and about 7 boxes of Girl Scout cookies!

    I appreciate you more in your absence than anyone there could ever appreciate you in your presence. That is just a fact. Maybe if you put those two things on a scale and weight them against each other it will make it seem "not so bad."

    I don't know what else to say really. I hope things improve. I wouldn't bet money on it, but I hope. For your sake.
