Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bottling Day

So today I sanitized 97 bottles and then filled 95 of them.  I scraped the seven or so bottles that I wanted to throw into the rotation and then spent a long time scrubbing them out so that I could fill them.  First up was the peach/apricot ale.  Fifty bottles of that in the end.  I sampled a little bit of the uncarbonated stuff and it seems like it will be much better than the raspberry/blackberry which wasn't bad.  I followed that up with a second of sanitizing equipment, but at least the bottles were already done.  Then I mixed up a 4 gallon batch of root beer and put that into bottles.  I "cut" two to weaken the flavor for Gwen.  I actually reduced the sugar on all of it as I am not a huge fan of super-sweet soda and figured that if I am making it then I can make whatever the heck I want.  So I reduced the amount of sugar and then replaced some of that reduced amount with honey.  Why?  Why not!  Did you miss the sentence about "I am making and can do whatever I want?" 

In any event, there are 95 bottles of something or other along the wall in the dining room now.  If ever there was a time when bottles were going to burst this is it.  I had a steam beer blow up in Kansas, but there is so much more sugar in these two concoctions that I fully anticipate cleaning up a mess.  We'll see.  I left a little extra headspace on the bottles of root beer to try and beat the odds.  The yeast strain is the same as you would use for bread so it shouldn't make much gas and no alcohol. 

The WOD:

5 Overhead Squats
15 Pushups
25 Situps
10 Overhead Squats
30 Pushups
50 Situps
20 Overhead Squats
60 Pushups
100 Situps

Post time to comments.

I will go with maybe 75 pounds for the OHS.  65 if I am struggling with form and 95 if I am feeling "beast-like" as there are still 35 reps to knock out.


  1. It wouldn't be me if I didn't ask what happened to bottles 96 and 97.....

  2. They went back into the cases with all the other empties that are waiting for some tasty beverage to press them back into action.

    I always sanitize more than enough because sometimes a bottle will break and it is better to have too many than not enough when in the middle of bottling. I have never cut it this close before. There were 5 more bottles of root beer than I had expected and the only reason I made it is because a couple of the bottles I put the beer in were 22 and 16 ouncers. If I had used all 12s I would have certainly filled all 97 or needed more. Plus we had a couple of little spills. Maybe 3 or 4 ounces of beer and 5 or 6 ounces of root beer.

  3. 13:16 for the WOD. I finished the first round in under two so I made it my goal to finish the subsequent rounds in under 4 and 8 since the work doubled. That would have been 14, so regardless of the splits it is under my goal. I remember my watch is a little over 5 and a half after round 2. So that was maybe 3:45 and the last was probably 7:30 or so. Good burn. My abs are on fire. Good workload as I did 35 OHS @75# and then 105 pushups and 175 situps. No wonder my abs are burning.
