Thursday, May 3, 2012


They are small, but they are good and they are free! 

I picked about 10-12 peaches off a tree out back.  They weren't ripe when I picked them.  Today they were and they didn't last long.  The girls destroyed them!  I did get to try a couple as well.  Pretty good.  I hope some more come through the year like the grapefruit and tangerines do.  Lemons as well.  Good crop this year. 

In addition to those fruits, let me tell you about "little apples."  Manzanita Brewing in Santee is bottling now and I picked up their IPA last week when I was hanging out in the plaza near the vets office an awful lot.  If my Spanish is correct, then Manzanita is "little apple."  This seems appropriate with the fruit post, but also because last year when we were in Manhattan, Kansas for Lisa's graduation from Kansas State with her Master's we went to Little Apple Brewing.  I thought that this was a rather clever name for a brewpub in Manhattan.  Manhattan, Kansas.  So I am enjoying this IPA tonight which is great.  I am usually more of a Double IPA and Imperial drinker.  Most "regular" IPAs leave me wanting in terms of body and flavor aside from the hops.  Not this one.  I am not sure if it has a higher original gravity or not, but they sure did manage to squeeze in a lot of flavor. 

So that is whay I have for you today. . . and, oh yeah, one more thing:

15 Minute AMRAP
15 Box Jumps
15 Pushups
15 Situps
15 Squats


  1. Today I did "Body For Life Meets Crossfit"

    Bench Press @150# for 12-10-8 @135# for 6-12
    Shoulder Press @90# went to Push Press in the 10
    Deadlift @225#
    Front Squat @90#
    Lunges @40# (2 20# DBs)
    GHD Situps

    Faster than my old BFL workouts by a lot. Plus I was loaded more on some of them. I was at too high a load to go fast. It was grip strength that was the biggest limiting factor today. GHDs were the easiest movement. The last three reps of bench I couldn't get it off the rack so I subbed 9 pushups for a 3:1 sub to finish it out. I am sweating like a monkey.

  2. Friday, 4 May 12--OFF! I didn't even do my burpees. You'll see I made up all of them below!

    Saturday, 5 May 12

    AM (W/Candis)

    21-15-9-3 (L:12-something)
    Push press: 45#
    Jump squats
    Dips: Back ext handles

    *Run 1.5 miles w/Candis

    This was easily the WORST WOD since I've been here. I ate like utter shit the day before; I didn't PT the day before; I was over-tired and all sorts of other stuff. I got up, though. I clipped my chin with the bar on push press. Whack! Terrible.

    PM (W/Brian)

    10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 (Total: 55 reps) (L: 40:25; B: 40:50)
    Box jumps
    Inverted burpees
    Thrusters (B: 65; L: 45)
    Jump squats
    Deadlift (B: 135; L: 65)

    This was a great workout. I sweated my ass off! I could have gone higher on the deadlifts, but I really didn't want to anyway. I dislike deadlifts. My left ass cheek still hurt from the 100 inverted burpees I did the other day so that made these quite challenging! Good WOD.

  3. I am getting you an inverted burpee machine for Mother's Day!

    There is no such a thing, but you love those things. I took Saturday off and coached soccer, attended the end of season trophy ceremony and party, went to a birthday party, bottled my malbec, drank a glass of the malbec that wouldn't fit in a bottle (what a shame), a 22 ounce beer and then realized I should have a margarita for cinco de mayo. That is my day. The malbec is fabulous and it hasn't even been aged yet. I am pretty happy with the fruitiness and spiciness that comes through even with the super dry finish and low finishing gravity. My hydrometer can barely register it. That is how dry it is. Water has a higher gravity. I will do something tomorrow, but need to mop the floors since the Girl Scout meeting is here on Monday.

  4. Sunday, 6 May 2012

    Rest in the AM

    69 burpees in the afternoon

    12 tire flips in the evening. What? You heard me, Candis and I entered a tire-flipping contest. First and second AGAIN. She had me by three or so. I wasn't counting. Three guys competed: two were TOTALLY CrossFit dudes, the third was an Army guy who was a pretty well-built gym dude--you could tell by the biceps. The first guy made it 1.5 court; the second guy made it 2.5 court; the third guy almost made it 3.0 court. It was awesome watching their different techniques and muscles. First guy was all leg; second guy was leg/back; third guy was leg/bicep. Fun. Very fun.

    Monday, 7 May 12

    WOD with Thunderlab

    20 deadlift: 75#
    20 SDHP: Lt bar + 10 kg
    20 front squat: 75#
    20 thrusters: 45#

    70 burpees

    2.25 mi run with Phil, Carl and Colleen: ~22:00

    I could have gone harder on the WOD, but I was helping the girls. We had a third girl arrive today. She probably weighs about 85-90# and that is not an exaggeration. Strength--she has no physical strength. We'll get her there!

    I really need to get my left forearm checked out. It hurts and I can't do any kind of clean. I had to ask Candis to help me with the 75# front squat, just to get it into position. I had to drop way down on the SDHP as well.

    Burpees are getting easier, just slower.

    I could have gone another lap, but when my partners cut out at 2.25, so did I. Ugh.

  5. Tuesday, 8 May 12

    10,9,8 . . . 3,2,1

    Back extensions
    Abs (Doubled)
    Lunges (Per leg, fwd/rev)
    Air Squats

    L: 18:something
    Ca: 17:something

    Then I did my 71 burpees!

    Where are you, G?

  6. L~Get your arm checked out there so you don't have to waste off-time doing it when you are home with the family.

    I leave on the 19th. I have grand plans for serious crossfit for the 2 months I'm home. And some
    Much hated running.

  7. Wednesday, 9 May 2012

    Yoga with Thunderlab

    10,9,8 . . . 3,2,1
    Incline situps (Doubled)


    +17 burpees

    1.5 mile run at 14:52

    I am pooped.
