Wednesday, May 16, 2012

T-shirts and Recorders

Tonight was the "Recorder concert" for the third graders at school.  Gwen told me that she HAD to have a pair of sunglasses for the concert.  I tried to convince her to wear mine or one of the numerous pairs floating around.  Nope.  So we went to the store to buy sunglasses.  She didn't like anything I suggested and I was getting pretty irritated.  Finally she found a pair that set me back $20 plus tax.  Ugh.  She is so particular, but in a "pair of jeans and a hoodie" kind of way.  Not only that but the other two insisted on getting a pair for themselves.  Since they each found something under ten dollars I caved.  While I was at it I picked myself up a pair as I am always breaking them anyway.  All said and done $61 worth of sunglasses.  I could have made 5 gallons of beer for less than that!  Even better, out of 100 third graders there were about 8 that had on sunglasses.  But Gwen was one of them!  I hope someone noticed that I am such an awesome Dad.  Doubtful.

Anyway, the recorder concert was surprisingly good considering that it was a bunch of nine year olds blowing on plastic flutes.  I will hand it to the Music teachers, those kids not only performed but they were all on the beat and everything sounded harmonic.  They only played about 20 minutes but the place was smoking hot for San Diego so that was all anyone could bear anyway. 

Afterwards we did baths and snacks and I did some laundry.  This is where the t-shirts come into play.  My closet here is of a width that Lisa figured out a very specific way of folding t-shirts so that two rows would fit on each shelf.  I wear t-shirts pretty much all the time.  Except for church.  So for the past 7 months I had been folding them however I could get them neatly folded quickest.  They didn't fit as well.  About 3 weeks ago I realized that Lisa would be home eventually and my closet really looked like crap.  So I did what any guy would do and did nothing. . . at that moment.  I pledged to start folding my shirts the "proper" way when they came out of the laundry and eventually the situation would rectify itself.  I am so freaking smart!  So tonight I was folding up the shirts and smiling at my genius as the closet is really coming together.  Not only that, but I actually have disciplined myself to fold them that way and now it is a piece of cake.  It is not that crazy "japanese shirt folding" trick I once figured out, but it is all I need for now.  Someday we will move and I will be folding them the wrong way for about a year before I am motivated to adjust to the new environment.  This is why I loved Glacier National Park.  I can relate to glaciers.  I am constantly moving.  But I like to take things slowly. 

The WOD:
12 Minute AMRAP

5 Knees to Elbows
7 Back Extensions
9 Dips
11 Hollow Rocks

Post rounds to comments.


  1. Did I ask this already? AE you going to keep blogging and WOD posting when L is home?

  2. "She is so particular, but in a "pair of jeans and a hoodie" kind of way."

    ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ME OR GWEN? Jiminy Christmas. . . .

    I've been working out . . . sort of.
    I've been eating like crap . . . definitely.
    I've been doing my burpees . . . religiously.

    How many more days? Five and a wake-up!

  3. I was two hollow rocks short of seven rounds. I finished the last two after time in 12:05.

    Hollow rocks were the hardest movement today. I flew through the dips and back extensions but did have to reset the GHD for the first round as I was going to whack my head on the paint rack. That was probably my 5 seconds to make seven full rounds.

    Jenn, I plan to keep on blogging. It is an easy place to store my WOD results for future reference and I have everyone else's results too! I figure that now that since Lisa isn't the only one reading I might as well keep going.

    I am supposed to take over the blog for the gym too, so if I was to ever drop off you could always follow that one. I don't plan to drop off though.

    Lisa, it is probably the number one trait of Gwen that screams "Lisa." You can eat like a crap just a few more days and then you and I will have mutually shared guilt to push us to eat better. I have found my sweet spot nutrition wise. It is kind of a modified paleo/zone that I like to call "eating sensibly." No measuring and no restrictions, just not overeating and not buying crap. If I don't buy crap, I don't eat crap. It is THAT easy! This "five and a wake-up" gives me some sort of false hope. I know that you must have at least a week in transit if not more, right?

  4. Friday, 18 May 12

    Angie + 80 burpees



    What can I say, G? I love jeans and a hoodie. And I've done the exact same thing when looking for glasses, sun or not!

    Love you!
