Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day

Well, I couldn't find a specific WOD for Memorial Day.  Crossfit has numerous "hero WODs" that are in memory of fallen service members, police officers and firefighters. 

This is one of the earliest hero WODs that I remember doing:

Run 1 mile
100 Pullups
200 Pushups
300 Squats
Run 1 mile

You can partition the work however you like.  Unlike "Angie" you don't need to finish all the pullups before you move on to the next movement.  I am probably going to just go with max reps for pullups and then try to hold 20 pushups and 30 squats as long as I can.  If I could do ten rounds like that I would be thrilled.  Max Rep pullups will start out over ten, but will fade quickly. 

Post time to comments.


  1. I honored the fallen heroes different than doing a work out, however I did do a strenuous round or three of Laser Tag.

  2. 39:38 with a sub of 200 situps for the runs. The park was overrun with people when I went to WOD there. Don't they know that is my favorite pullup bar in San Diego? There were kids playing on it. I did this at home as a result. I am not bashful about being the "crazy guy" but I don't want to be an ass and take over the place. Wait, isn't that what they did? No matter, I worked hard. I maintained good numbers through the pullups with never fewer than 10 until the last three groupings of 9, 9, and 8 because 8 was all that was left. Kept my pullup groups to 3s and greater. Squats were 30s until I used them to "break up" the other stuff in 10s.
