Thursday, July 12, 2012

Don't get hurt!

Why do I say that?  Because today I am prescribing two moves that can easily lead to injury if they are not done properly. 

Clean.  Lisa went for an MRI last night and has been battling an injury to her radial nerve due to improper execution of a clean.  Just to protect my own credibility, and not to pass the buch, I will declare that she was not being trained by me when the injury happened.  I was providing workouts, but not hands-on coaching.  Hopefully this gives everyone reason to pause.  If you don't know how to execute the move properly and don't have a coach or trainer available at least make sure you watch some video tutorials.  There is no substitute for a trainer who can bark "drop it" if you are doing it wrong however.  Ideally, we train you to do it properly before we ever load the movement with weight.  Plenty of people will revert to some demented form of a clean once the workout begins however.  In any even, Lisa is your cautionary tale.  You can get seriously hurt if you do this wrong. 

Our strength training for today is:

Clean 1-1-1-1-1

We are searching for your 1 rep max (1RM) for this particular lift/movement.

Deadlift.  If you don't deadlift properly two things happen.  One:  you don't lift nearly as much.  When I finally learned to deadlift properly a couple years ago my max load jumped by over 100 pounds.  Two:  you hurt your back.  Thankfully I never did this because I had kept that weight manageable.  I used to max my deadlift around 185 pounds when I was just doing the "gym circuit" method of training.  Now that I have learned proper movements and adopted the Crossfit training scheme I have maxed my deadlift at 330 pounds.  I have a ways to go before I am where I want to be, but with proper mechanics I don't worry about injury anymore.  When I line up to lift a max load I know that I am either going to lift it or I am not going to lift it, but I am never going to get hurt.

The WOD:
Deadlift (whatever your max load for Cleans was)

Beginner/Bodyweight WOD:
Hop on one foot (complete the number of reps per side)

The scheme, for those who aren't familiar is to complete 21 reps for all three movements.  Then 18 reps, 15 reps, so forth and so on so that the last round you complete 9 reps for each of the movements.


  1. Clean 95-115-135-155-160(PR)

    Then the lunge/DL@160/pushup WOD

    I also did 50 pullups and 50 double unders as my warmup.

  2. G: I'm glad I am your "cautionary tale."

    I have some other funny comments that I will share with you in person!

    Love you.

    Injured and not CrossFitting at the moment,

  3. :( for L

    10 clean and press 50#
    200m run

    6 min AMRAP
    20 each side Russian twists 10#
    20 KTE
