Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy Birthday Ione

Friday the 13th.  Historically I don't care for Friday the 13th, but I am using my mind to overcome that.  It is Ione's birthday and things have to go well on your child's birthday. 

This morning I spent time working on the snatch.  Power snatch, squat snatch and split snatch.  Then I did 30 of them at 75# just to practice technique.  Mostly I stuck with squat snatch but a few weren't deep enough so they were power snatches.  It is a good skill to work on for all of us as it is very technical and fast.  I mixed in some ring rows for good measure, but still we need an actual WOD to do.

3 Rounds for Time
5 Handstand Pushups
15 Double Unders
25 Situps

This will be a fast and furious workout.  If you can't do HSPU then do "pike" pushups with your feet on something and your hips bent in a manner to put your upper body in HSPU position.  If you can't do DUs then feel free to do 3 single rope turn for each DU or 45 rope skips per round.



  1. Man Gary, first, as a former member of camp Staph, like you, you made me go, "Whaaaaat did he just say?" Working on the snatch....sorry junivile humor I guess.

    Second, I to have a 13th kid, we celebrated his birthday in April, which happened to be Friday the 13th as well.

  2. My last workout here. :(

    13 each
    Kb swings
    Mb slams
    Box jumps
    Tire carries (lengths of the gym)
    R arm suitcase lift
    R arm farmers walk (lengths of the gym)
    L arm suitcase lift
    L arm farmers walk
    R kb lunges
    L kb lunges
    Burpees to broad jump
    Sprints (lengths of the gym)


    And some AB work

    1. Jenn, I hope that you are either able to find a new "Crossfit home" on the island or that you are able to jump back in with us on here. Maybe mixing and matching. Maybe Lisa will get stationed in Hawai'i and I can train you at your gym there. Or maybe Lisa and Spence will get sent to a joint billet in the same locale. Or when everyone is retired Spence can come help me make beer and you and Lisa can run your own Crossfit box!

  3. This morning I covered the Saturday class and I ended up being a partner in the partner WOD that I prescribed.

    The WOD was a "twin couplet"
    5 Rounds
    Partner 1 rows 250 meters while partner 2 does max pullups and they switch
    Then partner 1 carries a sandbag 100 meters while partner 2 does max thrusters and then they switch.
    When each partner does 5 rounds of each of the 4 movements time stops. Total all reps of pullups and thrusters. Multiply by 2 and subtract that number of seconds from the total time.

    My partner and I took 26:19 and completed 204 reps for an adjusted time of 19:31

    The other team took 26:54 but completed 254 reps so they're adjust time was 18:26 and they won the WOD.

    There was no adjustment to the scores for scaling as the other team used bands on the pullups and I was using 40 pounds more on the thrusters than everyone else. I think that it helped level the competition and made for a really fun WOD.

    1. My partner was using a band however and had the lightest load of everyone for thrusters. . . all was fair.

  4. I'm back to doing CF prescribed by Gary starting Monday! I have a long wish list for equipment. Weights and bands are at the top. Where can I order the bands?

    And I love all three of the options, my favorite is retirement with a pub and a gym. Can we do it somewhere near the beach?

    1. You should check out Body Bands. I think that the website is simply You can buy the full set of skinny to fat or just buy the sizes you want. The colors are different than some other companies so I wouldn't go by the color you had in the gym.

  5. Band website found. Thanks!

    7.40 for this wod. I did pike pu and worked on range of motion. I tried doubles but couldn't get one with the rope here. The PX has very few things I can use. But ropes is one of them so I will get one today.

    I'm going to work on planks all week for my after workout work. :)
