Thursday, July 26, 2012


I love Rocky.  I like how he overcomes amazing odds.  I love how he trains with raw and basic equipment.  I love how he just wills his way to victory.  I love his stubborness and persistence.  Sure, the 5th movies was kind of a clunker, but you can't deny the brilliance of the overall series.  The two bookend movies, the original Rocky and then Rocky Balboa are just awesome stories that teach a lot of life-lessons.  There are plenty of quotes that I love in the final movie.  The line of "what is wrong with standing toe to toe and saying 'I am'" is great.  My favorite is the "it's not about how hard you can hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.  That's how winning is done."  He goes on about the world will bring you to your knees and keep you there if you let it.  This is all applicable to what we do.  We teach ourselves to do things that we don't like to do or maybe don't think we can do.  We overcome fear.  We improve.  We persist. 

The quote that is resonating with me this morning was from Marie in the final movie:  "tonight you are going to show the world that the last thing to age on someone is their heart."

Great line.  We are never too old to pursue greatness.  We are never too old to do something about our physical shape, educational level, work situation or anything else.  We are our only hurdle between our current selves and our best selves.  Our great selves. 

So don't stand in your own way.

Warmup--  10 Turkish Getups (per side)


For time

Run 800 meters
10 Pushups
15 Squats
Run 600 meters
20 Pushups
30 Squats
Run 400 meters
30 Pushups
45 Squats

25 Back Extensions
15 Knees to Elbows

You are welcome for the back extensions after the squat cleans yesterday!


  1. 25# KB for the TGU

    9:53 for the WOD

  2. Forget the back extensions. I am sarcastically thanking you for 90 squats. Golly gee!


    I am still doing my pushups on my knees. I couldn't possibly (yet!) knock out any volume of pretty ones on my toes. BUT THE ONES I AM DOING LOOK AND FEEL SO MUCH BETTER than when I started this.

    I need to work on/lower my weight for TGUs.

  3. I would say that a 10# KB would be a good start or even lighter until you master the movement. My 25# effort was more than anyone else at the gym. Most are 15 and under.
