Sunday, December 25, 2011

December 26, 2011

"Rolling Randy"
75 Hang Power Snatches
Every time you put the bar down do 3 forward rolls.

Post time to comments. 

And. . . since December 26 is "Boxing Day" why not do 26 Box Jumps for time too! 

Christmas seemed so long being on the West Coast.  We were up early and ate breakfast, did the gifts, received and made phone calls and I had plenty of time to put things together and clean up the mess.  Now they are watching Charlie Brown Christmas and The Grinch.  Well, the Grinch now.  It has been about as good a day as I could have hoped for without having you here with us.  Merry Christmas once more.  If you are able to access music of anything check out the "Christmas Wish" from the Muppets Christmas album.  It was my favorite for the year.


  1. I had to go with 65#. I have done regular "Randy" which is power snatch with 75# but the extra momentum coming from the floor must make the difference. Form was poor on hang power snatch with 75# so I went to 65#. Held decent form throughout although the bar was travelling pretty slow through "the zone" towards the end. 8:50 for the time with 12 rolls. The breaks came at 28, 45, 54, 67 and then I finished from there. My forearms are totally shot. This is where the Olympic bar would help because of the spin. I might have made it trough in three sets. Decent workout My neck is itching like crazy from rolling on the grass.

    Box Jumps were part of my warmup. Did 26 in 1:17. I am getting faster on my box jumps. I was thinking of pricing "plyosafe" padded units. They had one at IMCF and it had a 24, 20, 12, 6 and 3 inch pad. 65 inches all together with varying combination possibilities. It is going to come down to cost effectiveness. That would be 5 pads that would cover our whole family at the various ability levels right now. You can jump two to a pad as well. Anyway, that has nothing to do with this. I keep dreaming. Slowly but surely. I am trying to pay cash for all of it which takes a great deal of patience.

  2. I have yet to do this WOD. I just have something against it: maybe it's the fact that I don't fully understand the hang power snatch, maybe it was everyone in the bar area, maybe it was the rolls (and be glad you have grass).

    Maybe this can be my Welcome Home workout.

    See Dec 28--I did box jumps instead of front squats!

    Build your garage gym, G. I would do the purchasing, but I just don't have the knowledge you do. It's not as bad as walking your mother through buying a kettlebell, but it is as bad as me sending you to Origins. . . .
