Friday, December 2, 2011

Saturday December 3, 2011

The girls and I had a nice time at Holiday nights this evening.  The nutrition wasn't the best, but I didn't eat much.  A hamburger and some fried green beans.  The fried part felt like I ate a Big Mac.  Anyway,
I am taking a rest day tomorrow as I have been on for 5 days with two days of double WODs in there.  I will probably catch you Sunday though.  Besides I have chemistry to finish tomorrow and Crossfit Kids reading to do.  So the workout for tomorrow (today where you are. . .Saturday):

50 Situps
10 Box jumps
40 Situps
20 Lunges
30 Situps
30 Box Jumps
20 Situps
40 Lunges
10 Situps
50 Box jumps

Looking at this one I might do it if its a nice day tomorrow.  I love working out on the patio when its sunny (I guess that is most of the time here).  All of these movements can be done back there.  You already did the next WOD I have on the list so I am going to keep posting them until you hit a rest day.  I am leaving the rest day up to you to take when you need at this point.  Unknown and unknowable. 


  1. I did snatches today.

    7 with a broom stick
    7-7-7 with a 45 lbs bar

    I need help, but I emailed you about my conundrum. . . . I'll work it out.

    I'm doing well on my paleo attempts.
    -I eat meat and vegetables and cranberry sauce at lunch/dinner meal. I've even cut out salad dressing. I've only had fruit and nuts--when I can find them--for snacks. I fear this gravy train ending when I go back to the west side--they don't believe in sending fresh vegetables to the west side.
    -I've eliminated milk and sugar in my coffee. For real.
    -I have an entire box (60 ct) of Famous Amos choc chip cookies in my room and I haven't touched them in three days!

    Amazing. . . .

    *I'm glad you enjoyed holiday nights. I would have liked to have been there.

  2. Oh, I'm hoping the AbMat shows up before I do this workout. Come on, mail!

  3. Almost two months later I made this WOD up. Ione came home from school sick today shortly after we got back from Art Class. This cramped my style on doing the correct WOD for February 1. For this WOD made up on February 1, 2012: 13:58 I wish that your times were here for the WODs in the correct place. Oh well. My fault for not staying a couple days ahead or at least on pace. It really hurts when you fail on a box jump on a concrete retaining wall. Gouged my right palm on the meat at the base of the thumb pretty nicely. At least I saved my shins. I always seem to kill my shins when I get fatigued on box jumps.
