Sunday turned out to be a "beer" day. Noah brought over a growler of Karl Straus Two Tortugas Belgian Quad. It was a pretty tasty beer. High gavity however. I drank an Arrogant Bastard so that I could ship off the empty bottle to adorn an office in Afghanistan. It was hard work, but I did it anyway.
I have some Velvet Merlin from Firestone Walker. Sierra Nevada 2011 Celebration Ale and Snow Day from New Belgium. It appears that Snow Day has replaced 2 Below as the sampler pack has Snow Day in it now. As I take detailed notes of each beer I will share them.
Double Unders
Overhead Squats
Time for "Annie" and loads for OHS to comments, please.
Today, Tuesday, Noah and I did a team/head to head WOD. 20 minute AMRAP. One guy starts with 25 Double unders and 15 box jumps. The other guy does 20 ABMAT situps and 10 53# Kettlebell swings. Once the Situps and KBS are done that person goes to 75# OHS. When the DU/Box Jumper arrives you switch. Score was total number of OHS. We completed 5 Rounds each with a score of 52 OHS for me and 63 for Noah. We did discuss that I lost 8 or 9 reps on Round 1 because we started "at our stations" and each additional round included the other person running from SU/KBS/OHS to the DU/Box Jump station. Make sense? It was a good workout. Rainy day didn't allow us to go to the park and do Burpee Pullups.
ReplyDeleteHooray! Your test worked.
ReplyDeleteIt took me logging in twice to publish that comment. You're lucky I'm doing this again. Bullshit.
ReplyDelete14 Dec 12
"Annie" (27:19)
No substitutions, varied between AbMat and curvy back inverted. Hopefully I will get faster.
Wednesday, 14 Dec 11
I started out with a short, light bar just to warm up. Then I attempted to use a 45 lbs bar and just couldn't do it. I changed to a long, light bar + 10 kg (total) for the remainder of the rounds. I need some serious help on my form. I need to pull in TSgt Rice on this one. He watched my front squats the other day and noticed I was lopsided (left shoulder lower than right shoulder). No surprise there as my right is so much stroner. Anyway, during the second set, I felt great on the first rep and then fell (lightly) on my ass on the second rep. No shit. Right there in the gym I was sitting on my ass. Got right back up and finished the set and the remaining. I'll look up the narrative. I need to figure out how 1) to properly hold my shoulders and 2) deep to squat. I remembered to push up with my heels and maintain my lumbar curve. OHS are just so awkward. They'll get better!
I also added: Treadmill, 30 mins (20 min BFL--5.0-7.5 mph; 5 min 4.5-6.0/mph + 5 min cooldown). I had a somewhat shitty day and I needed to sweat. Thanks always to Lady Gaga.
I followed your lead and doubled these two up as a study break.
ReplyDeleteOHS 5x5 @ 75-85-95-105-115(fail)-115 1 rep
I found out how 115# sounds crashing from overhead. Reason 27 to buy bumper weights.
Annie: as Rx'd 12:31--way off my best, but I struggled with DUs at times today and not my best situp day either.