Well, you asked for more beer posts. . . so I am currently drinking a Sierra Nevada 2011 Celebration Ale. I can't recall if I stowed one in the "cellar" for you or not. I guess I will have to buy more. I am hoping they have it by the case at Costco. Its pretty good. A little to the hoppy side this year. There is a nice malt flavor under the hops that I wish was more prominent.
I recently drank a New Belgium "Snow Day." It is the replacement for 2 Below I think as its in the mixed pack. It is a hoppy dark wheat. Pretty nice, but super light body feels kind of weird for a winter offering. Definitely worth drinking though. It must be a carb conscious beer.
I have a Firestone Walker Velvet Merlin to try and some bomber bottles of various Stone and Ballast Point beers that I will probably save for MLK weekend to share.
Okay, so there is some beer for you.
Now for the WOD. I am treating myself to beer today as I did two WODs. I was thinking 3 but I was totally toasted and it was afternoon. The EKG guy told me not to workout in the morning. Maybe tomorrow I will get 3 in. My minimum is 2 per day until I catch up on everything I Rx'd for you. If I go to Total Crossfit and do the WOD's there that will slow me down unless I triple up. We shall see.
I am thinking I will go buy some beer ingredients and get a batch going tomorrow though. I am wishing I had made a holiday ale this year. Such is life.
The WOD for tomorrow:
Establish 1 Rep Max for Back Squat
10 minute AMRAP
10 Box Jumps
5 Handstand Pushps (Sub pike pushups)
Post load for BS and Rounds for AMRAP to comments.
195 x 3 for the backsquat was as high as I went with the iron weights in the garage. I wasn't interested in finding out how 200 plus sounded crashing. Since I made the decision to go 3 when I almost got stuck "in the hole" on rep 1 I though briefly about 205 but decided against it. 225 is currently my PR and I think I could break it in proper conditions.
ReplyDeleteI warmed up with some handstand work and HSPU but decided to go Pike pushups for the sake of intensity. I think it was a good choice. In the 10 minute AMRAP I made 11 rounds plus 2 box jumps. I didn't finish Round 12 because I was crushing the last 3 rounds to try and get to 11 and the extra 2 jumps were really bonus jumps. I felt good after hitting a little wall on rounds 3-5. Once I pushed through it I was flying. Maybe I will get some more work in later today.
First, thank you for the beer posts. The airmen in the office were laughing at my "oohs" and "ahhs." I can't wait for the arrival of the Arrogant Bastard Ale bottle. Please do save me some 2011 Celebration Ale. Ooh, what about the Anchor one, too? I love their labels.
ReplyDeleteThursday, 22 Dec 11
Max Back Squat: 105 lbs. I think I could have gone to at least 115 lbs, but I had the same kind of thoughts on the matter. TSgt Rice was in the gym, so he would have been able to help.
10 min AMRAP (9 rounds)
10 box jumps: My "Miller Lite" bench
5 pike pushups: I'm not sure if I did pike pushups--I put my feet on the "Miller Lite" bench and did push ups. Did I screw that up?
Man, my HR was up! I went for the intensity today. I think I actually got faster as I moved through. I liked this workout. I know I was dehydrated, though, because I could feel the dryness in my chest/lungs. More water, less coffee.
No, kidding. I'm not sure what I did today, but I didn't have to log out and log back in a million times. Magic of Christmas, maybe?
ReplyDeleteWhen your email is visible in the top right I think you are "logged in" and can just post. I agree that this AMRAP got faster as rounds went by. . . that causes me to ask myself if I am properly warmed up. . . I think so, and if so then it must be endorphins or that my glcyolytic an oxidative pahtways are stronger than the phosphagen pathway. I defitely need to work on super high intensity and maintaining it longer.