Friday, December 9, 2011

Saturday December 10

End of the line. . . time for me to send you a new list of WODs or make you get them here.  That would be mean, right?  So today:

20 Front Squats
20 Deadlift
20 Thrusters

My goal for this workout is for you to maintain the same weight the whole way through but with great intensity.  This will make deadlift light, but it should be technically correct.  My guess is that SDHP will be the one you need the lowest weight on (it would be for me) with thrusters a close second.  If you can do 65 pounds here all the way through I would be thrilled.  If you have multiple bars and want to set one up with more weight for DL then please feel free.  Intensity is our goal. 


  1. Sunday, 11 Dec 11

    I actually did this workout on the same--kind of--day!

    20 Front squat: 55 lbs
    20 SDHP: 45 lbs
    20 Deadlifts: 55 lbs
    20 Thrusters: 45 lbs

    I considered staying at the same weight throughout, but opted to go up and down slightly. I knew I wouldn't be able to do the SDHP and thrusters at 55 lbs, so I adjusted! Good workout, but since I ate an ENTIRE bag of chocolate-covered pretzels last night, I added:

    Elliptical: 20 mins BFL intervals (Levels 5-13, with one segment backwards). With the 5 min cooldown, I hit 2.3 miles.

    Great talking to you all this morning. I miss you. Breakfast was the same as always, but it the best meal for protein. I love you!

    Rest day tomorrow and then I'll stay in order for this next batch of WODs.

  2. Monday, 12 Dec 11

    Rest day

    I slept in until 0545 today and I was just as tired as if I only slept in until 0445. Go figure.

    Dinner was so shitty last night (fried chicken, too tomatoey jambalaya, fried rice and three bean salad). When I got back to my room, I thought I could fend off the hungries with an apple and peanut butter but I caved and ate Gwen's Snickers bar. (Please tell her thank you, by the way.) Now it is done.

  3. I will pass along the Snickers bar comment to Gwendolyn. I think the girls will find it great fun when I start posting a "Kids WOD" here. I just won't do it yet as I am not certified to do so and wouldn't want to get in trouble by jumping the gun when I am merely days away. This manual is a lot more scientific than the Level 1 manual. I found it disturbing to start reading the section about protecting kids from predation and then turned on the computer to see Jerry Sandusky staring at me. Creepy.

  4. I made up this WOD as my part deux for the day.

    I started with deadlift at 195#. I stripped the bar to 85# for the front squats, SDHP and thrusters. I lost about a minute stripping weight but that still counted as it amounts to rest. 8:11 for the total time. About 3 minutes of that was on the thrusters as didn't have enough left to go unbroken. Good burn though.
