Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wednesday December 14

Am I a day ahead of you?  I need to go back and read. 

3 Rounds for Time
7 pullups
14 CF pushups
21 Box Jumps

Time to comments.

No beer today.  It is all about the work.  Christmas shopping done.  WOD with Noah today.  Soccer party.  Compliments from ladies at the soccer party. 

You have great kids. 


  1. Thursday, 15 Dec 11

    3 RFT (13:19)
    7 pullups: Used assisted 5-6-7
    14 CF pushups: Full
    21 Box jumps: Used the "Miller Time" bench--I need to tell MSgt Meek!

    This was a good workout. I don't really like the assisted pullup machine; I need to start using my band; the squat stand is just so wobbly. The box jumps got my HR going for sure. I can go faster. I worked out twice+ yesterday, so I think I was feeling some residual.

    I'm caught up somewhat. Being a day behind actually works out pretty well for posting anyway. (I think I have Blogger figured out--I'll find out in a few minutes.)

    Congratulations for the compliments. Sometimes it is far easier to see the good, especially in our children's behavior! Good job, G.

  2. I had great intensity here as I pledged to myself to go unbroken the whole way through.
    5:54 and my lungs were screaming. I had to take a 30 minute "push Tessie on the swing break" and still wasn't breathing well when I started the WOD for 12/23. The first time in a while I wished I had my inhaler. I am suspicious though that I only struggled breathing because last night I woke up in the night and took it. Time to clean the bedding. I think its Nomar hair. Either that or too many different cleaning products lately as I pursue my goal of "whole house cleanliness" for Christmas.
