Friday, August 10, 2012

Jump Around

So why "Jump Around?" 

I have noticed lately that I tend to migrate when doing double unders.  I just creep backwards and could probably do better if I was able to focus on being more upright and hinge-like.

The WOD:

Accumulate 200 Double Unders and 2500 pounds of Push Jerk

Partition the work however you would like to.  5 Rounds of 40 double unders and 10 PJ at 50 pounds for instance.  125# would be 20 reps.  75 pounds is 33 reps. 


  1. 12:00 on the nose. I did this with the 6 AM class and had to adjust the doors, fans, music and so forth so I lost some time to that. I did the first 120 Double Unders to start then 12 PJ@75#, 40 DUs, 11 PJ, 40 DUs, 10 PJ.

  2. Welcome back to the blogosphere!

  3. It would be helpful if I could access the "publish blog post" page consistently. The computer doesn't seem to like going beyond the initial website for anything and doesn't allow me to click even one degree away. I will figure it out. . . I hope.

  4. :) I have those blogging pains too!

    I did another ride up (a bit further today) into the mountain pass today. I think I am pretty close to seeing the other side. I wonder if I can see the ocean from there??? As long as there aren't too many trees in the way it should be a fabulous view!

  5. Turned out we had a bad filter and it was slowing down our internet. Now we have no AC. It is only an issue in San Diego for like two weeks per year. This is the time and because it is under warranty we need to go with the company that installed it and they are in no hurry for a warranty job that pays no money. They come Saturday. In the meantime we will sweat whether we like it or not. That is what we get for thinking "heat waves" were a "rest of the country" problem.

    It was up to 80 in the house today by the time we came back from the library. Easy 90 degrees by bedtime.
