Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Obama Brew

So tonight I learned that the Obamas brew beer in the white house.  Pretty cool, right?  They use honey from a beehive in the garden.  Awesome, right? 

So without having do any research on policy and position I know that I have at least one thing in common with the President. . . we both think that homebrew is a cool thing to make and a cool thing to share with others.  I wonder if he is practicing so that he can open his own brewpub when his current gig ends?

Warmup:  30 Lunges (15 per side), 4 x 20 second planks.  Weight the lunges with dumbbells if you feel strong

25 Front Squats (95/65)
Run 400 meters
35 Situps
Run 400 meters
50 Pushups
Run 400 meters
35 Situps
Run 400 meters
25 Front Squats (95/65)

Post time to comments.

Cashout:  25 Good Mornings with a bar


  1. I don't know what a good morning is, and I won't torture myself with the details until I am ready to do the workout.

    I am way behind. On everything. Especially crossfit.

    Going back to the sweat post...
    It was in the low 80s today without a tradewind or cloud in sight. I was sweating sitting still. 80 is HOT. I am officially acclimated to the tropic islands. And proud of it. :)

    I did the bodyweight version of the sweat workout during the kids' soccer practice (because I didn't squeeze it in during ballet yesterday).

    10 - pushups
    15 - squats
    20 - situps

    I am trying to fit in two-a-days a few times a week. Crossfit and something I can easily get done - bike, run, Insanity. Whatever works that day. I want to be strong like bull. And less fatty. So I guess that means I want to be strong like grass fed, freerange bull. :D

  2. Hmmm, Obama's Beer Pub.... We'll screw up your order but make it right in four years.

  3. 13:22 for today's WOD as Rx'd.

    Everything was unbroken except for the last blasted set of Front Squats. I got through 17 and had to set the bar down. I did it after the 9 AM class concluded and had a mini-cheering section of people who were hanging out talking. I honestly think they blew my rhthym as I was on pace to go sub-13 which would have been 2 minutes faster than the best time of the day. Once I started thinking about it my breathing got screwed up and I had to set it down, regroup and push out the last 8. There is a young guy that comes in the afternoons that sometimes beats my times. . . we are pushing each other as we talked about last week. I think he should beat me today as I feel a sub-13 is entirely possible. He outweighs me by 40 pounds so 95 pound squats won't slow him down.
    I did the warmup twice so far and have probably gotten about 15 or 20 good mornings in while demonstrating. 35 or 42 pullups for the day thus far, but I go back in an hour.

  4. 11.17 for my sweat workout. I still haven't looked up good mornings.
