I am not sure if any of us will do this exact WOD today. I am a chaperone for the 3rd grade trip to Old Town and that means that my time at the park might not happen. My time at the gym either. If I can fall asleep shortly I can get up and do a WOD in the garage before the kids wake up. I haven't been sleeping well and that doesn't seem likely.
This one is a real smoker too:
"Navy Seals TABATA"
4 minutes of TABATA Air Squats
Run 1 mile
4 minutes of TABATA Pullups
Run 1 mile
4 minutes of TABATA Pushups
Run 1 mile
4 minutes of TABATA Situps
Run 1 mile
Post the time of the runs and the TABATA score to comments.
A proper TABATA is 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds rest for the duration of the interval. Keep track of reps and the 20 second round with the lowest # of reps for each exercise is your "score" for that exercise.
I went back. I felt more welcomed. I suspect it was more a function of my feeling it more so than them putting anything different out there.
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, we did walking lunges for 400m. My time was 17-something. I 'scaled' by using my hands far more than I should have. I was scolded (OK, that word is too strong!) once, but my goal was to finish. And I did.
Claire is still sick. Day 3 of fevers soaring to 105.
Today I did the IMCF WOD
Crossfit Standard Pushups (hand release at bottom)
GHD Situps
Double Unders
Seeing as how I have a new GHD I couldn't resist doing this WOD. I didn't post one last night as it seemed most of us were on different programs right now. I will put one up tonight for Thursday.
Double unders it is time to get that new rope. I have to tuck my head and I know I could do more if I stood properly. I refuse to use my good cable rope on concrete though. Time to hit Play it Again Sports. I will send one to you too Lisa. Grilled pork chops and butternut squash for dinner tonight. Bacon and eggs for lunch. My diet has been rubbish lately. Time to shop again.
My diet is crap. As is my ability to not eat bad foods.
ReplyDeleteToday I surfed. I was surprised at how GOOD it felt - I am sore from the pullups and super sore from the lunges. But it did feel good. Everyone with a soul should surf.
Thursday, 15 Mar 2012
ReplyDeleteWe did the Navy Seals TABATA sans the running. It sucked.
I didn't bring my book in to work. I'll have to tally the scores and post.
Jenn: Yeah, my diet is crap, too. The afternoon are the toughest. I should plan all my meetings for the afternoon so I'm not sitting around. I guess vampires--at least the Robert Pattinson kind--shouldn't surf! (Yes, I do like the Twilight Saga. I must have watched New Moon ten times when I was laid up last summer.)
Hey, Jenn. I just realized something: you look like Barbie in your profile picture. No joke. The ultimate in American beauty. But you don't look like Western Barbie as she was horrible with that winking eye and the blue eyeshadow--Google it!
ReplyDelete6:16 was my time. My diet is great until after dinner and I am still hungry. My will power is fine, but as Jonny said I can't throw away the kids food. They eat most of the crap, but I will admit to finishing ice cream. I shouldn't have bought it for them and should just exploit Baskin Robbins every Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteHey Lisa, how much were those chocolate covered Goji berries, acai berries and pomegranates? We saw a 12 ounce back at Von's for 4.99. I just wondered where that ranked for future reference.
ReplyDeleteG: The two pound bags from Amazon were $15-16. Were the ones you saw the same brand (Brookside)? You can do the math--it's probably comparable. Woohoo! Do the girls like them that much?