Monday, March 5, 2012

Tuesday News Day

Gwen will be reporting on the excitement in Afghanistan for her report on world news today.  Thanks to her mother for being interviewed for the story.  I hope that Gwen is able to capture your soaring rhetoric! 

I have no idea how I am going to get a WOD in tomorrow.  I do know that I can get in a lot of running if I so choose.  I have appointments for both cars.  The van and the brakes should take 3 hours.  I could run home and get the car and drive back to trade cars for the next appointment.  then I could drive home and then run or bike back. . . it has to be run as I have Tessie and the bike won't fit in the car.  Tomorrow is going to suck.  I am supposed to teach P.E. for Ione's class too.  I am way off my pace for what I wanted to do as far as brewing beer before Wooj comes in Wedesday night.  Crumbs. 

The WOD for tomorrow:

5-5-5-5-5 Deadlift
3 Rounds for time
15 Thrusters
20 Pullups
25 Situps

I did a crapload of ring pullups today in my quest to perfect the muscle up and my shoulders hurt.  If I get to this it ought to be fun.


  1. I did the deadlift portion thus far. I am posting as a "break" to rest up. Max deadlifting is hard work! So 5RM is what we were after today and I am pretty sure I set a new PR!

    Thanks to the new weights I finally had more than 260 to lift. We have some more deadlifts coming next week before I program us to find our 1RM. I haven't lifted this much on DL since December, but I am still hoping to set a new 1RM PR in two weeks or so when I program it.

    Okay, now to the thrusters, pullups and situps. I was going to go 95 on thrusters but after the DL I am leaning toward 75 due to the 45 reps and not wanting to compromise my lumbar as even the purest DL form taxes the lower back a little in that final motion of standing upright.

  2. 13:56
    The thrusters at 75# were a breeze, I probably should have stuck with 95 or at least 85. The pullups were NOT a breeze. I really struggled with them today. Iron gym, sore muscles, it doesn't matter if I give excuses the bottom line is they need improvement. I am dripping. Now to shower and get on to some fun. I meet Sally sometime once I get the van back and we are heading to Coronado Island. She has never been there and wants to see it. I figure Coronado Brewing for dinner. She was down with that. I am going to lose some paleo points this week with Wooj coming tomorrow. Hey Jonny. . . this is probably your week. I had 8 yesterday and have no food slips today, but there is beer in my future. I should be able to find paleo options other than the beer, but surely that will not always be the case when Wooj is here. I am guessing Mexican is going to be in there somewhere and surely I will see something else that catches my eye and has sauce or something.

  3. FUCK! I lost the whole message. I'm not typing it again.

  4. Tuesday, 6 Mar 2012

    I was supposed to rest and then I talked to my friend Brian who told me about his awesome run. I wanted to have an awesome run. So I ran, but it wasn't awesome. Crap.

    30 + 5 mins, ~3.0 miles, ~400 calories, Level 10, Random, 3.0-7.0 jumping all over the place depending upon incline and feel.

    So after I was done with my "not awesome" run, I did some sun salutations and then handstands. (I needed some kind of re-motivation after that crappy run.) 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 breaths. Good stuff.

    I really must rest. . . .
