Thursday, March 22, 2012


What a glorious afternoon.  All three girls had playdates at other people's houses.  First we all went to a park for the hour after school and then they went to their respective outings.  I realized that I can clean the house a whole lot quicker without children making a mess behind me or requiring me to officiate squabbles.  So that was my big excitement for a childless afternoon.  Cleaning.  I had all sorts of ideas about going to a brewery for a sampler and taking home  a growler.  In the end I realized I wanted to score some paleo points and save some money.  I am trying to finish with three strong weeks despite losing points for alcohol most of this week.  Sleep is still not in the cards for me.  Maybe on the weekend.  It hasn't happened since our trip back east.  That means for over a month I have failed to sleep 8 hours and that is with me trying. 

The WOD:

5 Rounds for time
5 Turkish Get Ups (per side)
10 Back extensions
15 Situps


  1. 4 days and 28 points. If I would get some sleep I could drink all weekend and still make my goal of my "highest week" since we started. Currently that is 49 which means I need 22 points the last 3 days for 50. There are 2 WOD points out there for me. That leaves 20 from food unless I can get sleep on Friday and Saturday. So perhaps I will start drinking early and pass out.

  2. Oh my good golly! I was so happy when I read 'glorious day,' and then I read your next line - the girls being out on playdates - and had my best laugh of the day! I know the feeling.

    Today I had 30 minutes in the 50m pool while the kids had practice and lessons. I wanted to get in 1600m. I managed 1300m. It was good.

  3. 17:25 and I met my goal of getting faster each and every round.

    Round 1 4:04, Round 2 3:50, Round 3 3:22, Round 4 3:20 (that was close) and round 5 in 2:51

    I am dripping with sweat. Most of the time was the TGU, but that is to be expected. Back extensions on the GHD caused me a few seconds as my foot got stuck and my shorts got hung up once. That had to be in the third or fourth that slowed me down. I did a nice long warmup today because I thought that this WOD was an "easy" one.

  4. Monday, 26 March 2012

    We did this WOD today. Used the 12# KB and DB.

    Ca: 14:45-ish
    Co: 17:33
    L: 18:00

    This is the first time we did TGUs--I had been ignoring most of them--but I seriously felt the strength in my core. Go, TGU!
