Monday, March 26, 2012

Green Eggs and Ham

I took the kids to IHOP over the weekend for the "Lorax Breakfast."  Green eggs and ham plus your choice of truffula chip pancakes or blueberry cake cone.  Ione chose the cone.  The green eggs were made with creamed spinach.  Even "spinach-lover" Gwen didn't like them.  They were weird.  Tessie made a mess of her pancake and we left before she finished.  All in all they had fun and that was the goal. 

The WOD:

5 Rounds for time
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Kettlebell swings
Run 400 meters

I might bring a KB to the park or I might just do whatever goes at the gym.  After tomorrow the girls have half days so I will be out of luck on the gym. 

1 comment:

  1. I did the WOD at the gym today, but it was actually pretty similar to what I would have done here.

    20 Minute AMRAP
    15 Burpees
    Run 400 meters
    15 Pullups
    Run 400 meters
    15 Pushups
    Run 400 meters

    I finished two full rounds plus 15 burpees and the first 400 meter run. Total work was 45 Burpees, 30 Pullups, 30 Pushups and 7x400 meters running.

    Felt great. The biggest thing of note was that I closed my grip on the pullups and felt great. I did the first set of 15 unbroken with no shoulder pain. I will need to do "ring grip" pullups on the iron gym. No more wide grip as I am convinced that is what causes my shoulder to be useless afterward.
