Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Lorax

I have always loved the story.  The movie does a great job of conveying the story but brings some modern day relevancy to the tale as well.  I would say that it has definitely kept with the spirit of Dr. Seuss in being fun for the children while providing a message for the parents.  Some message permeates the "in the moment-ness" of some children too I think.  Enjoyable outing.  We saw one of Ione's classmates and his family sitting a row in front of us.  I like Ernie and should probably try to hang out with him sometime.  My guess is that a "family gathering" would be more his speed. 

Anyway, one other thing happened on the way out of the theatre.  The sun was setting.  The orange sky as a background to the silhouettes of palm trees is pretty amazing to behold.  I kind of like this place.  I am sure I have said it before, but the cost of living deters me from considering it as a "landing place" but it is pretty fun here.  I guess it will be great for a few years! 

The WOD:

5 Rounds for Time
Run 400 meters
10 Pullups
25 Situps

I want to get to the park for this one, but plan on Storytime at the library, the gym at noon and Crossfit Kids after school so we will see.  I might have to "make it up."


  1. Monday, 5 March 2012

    We actually did this workout!

    Run 400 m (or do some other cardio for 2:00-2:30)
    10 pullups (or pushups, if you can't get on the assisted machine)
    25 situps

    Colleen: 17-something
    Candis: 20-something
    Lisa: 22-something
    -2 x Run: 6.0; 7.0
    -2 x Elliptical: Level 12-15
    -1 x Bike: Level 10-15

    I am so tired. I need to rest tomorrow.

    This place is crazy. . . .

  2. G: The sunrises/sunsets here are easily the most beautiful I've ever seen, but Afghanistan is not on my retirement short list. . . .

  3. Tuesday, 6 Mar 12

    Today, we rested.

  4. For Monday I did "Cindy" at the gym with a modification. Instead of regular pullups I did ring pullups because there were enough people there that the pullup stations were all taken. "Cindy" is a 20 minute AMRAP of 5 pullups, 10 pushups and 15 air squats. I made 14 rounds. By the end I was only able to do one ring pullup at a time. Obviously my progress on the muscle up has been backsliding for some time. It is simply a super high power pullup to get to the rest of the darn thing. The rest of the movement I am money. It is the pulling up to the transition position that kills me.

  5. I missed nearly all the workout days, however I have been destroying the diet and sleeping for 8 hours every day. Sunsets, ahhh. I am going to get philosophical for a moment... I have seen sunsets from a variety of sunsets, and I tend to find that any and all of them are enjoyable, the only thing that is required is the stopping. Stopping and watching is really the antidote to 'the days go faster as you get older' problem. Its beating out the conditioned response. San Diego is beautiful, as are the sunsets. I wish it was safe enough for me to see and climb the mountains of Afghanistan, but I feel it just won't happen in my lifetime. Lisa, I saw a postcard you sent to my parents (the one of the partially demolished Buddhist mountainside carving) and ultimately I was horrified. The thing that horrified me the most is that it goes on everywhere, even at home. Its different, so we must tear it down. Granted, all things pertaining to hate need to be ripped apart at seams. However some things need to be kept for the sake of educating the mass of incoming generations. A good example would be your visit to Auschwitz, it was a terrible place, however there are small bits of it that could translate to our sense of happy endings. I guess its the Yin and the Yang. The United States operates under a thin disguise of tolerance, because we have become panicky to all things muslim.

    With this said, back to sunrise and sundown, because on my way into work yesterday the moon was full, and just above the horizon. It wowed me. I usually try to operate under a philosophy of 'every where you look there is something to see'. Reading the above helped me get back to it. Every moment you are somewhere besides home (Gary San Diego, Lisa Afghanistan) you add another seam to the fabric of your soul. Its yours, and no one elses. You can share moments with friends and faimly, but ultimately those moments are interpreted differently, and are yours alone. Enjoy, and no matter how difficult your tasks are, something good can ultimately come out of it. I really look forward to some Afghanistan stories, and I will put my push in for some sort of uniquely afghan 'souvenire', even if its just a rock.
    Because I am like Charlie Brown sometimes... "I got a rock."
