Sunday, March 18, 2012


I love making beer and wine!  The smell of the juice even when it isn't wine and even when it isn't what many would find appealing really excites me.  I have come to appreciate the odd smells that come with making beer, wine, baby food, pickled eggs and many other things because I simply know what the finished product is and that it is worth it.  It is funny how that works.  Something not enjoyable becomes enjoyable.  Kind of like sore muscles and Crossfit.  Pain is fun!  Soreness is our friend.  We come to appreciate kicking our own asses in the gym because we know that we will feel better, stronger and fitter once the pain subsides. 

My paleo score was pitiful this week.  35.  That runs me up to 237.  My high week was a 49 I think.  My low was a 29 I believe.  I have posted scores below 40 in three of the last 4 weeks.  I have learned to embrace hunger pangs.  I did that years ago.  I am struggling with my give a damn.  I know that most of you in the contest have struggled to score points.  I know that I have you licked.  So I take days off.  By days off, I mean eating some peanut bars.  Having a quesadilla or some other nonsense that is essentially giving up points when I don't need to.  The funny part is that my mindset has shifted and when I eat those things I OVEREAT those things.  Because they are all on the "banned" list I have learned to adopt the mantra "eat a little, eat a lot."  In this respect I have learned that a Paleo Diet is a good thing for me, but a Paleo Challenge is a bad thing for me.  I have gained back 4.5 unwanted pounds over the past week.  Even with Wooj and Sally coming to visit and going out to eat and drinking freely I had maintained a tolerable 180 pounds on the scale.  I found myself at 184.5 this afternoon.  So, with three weeks remaining in our challenge (20 days actually) I am going to finish what I started.  I am going to get back down to "racing weight."  I like to run Marathons between 172-178.  I was and really still am close to that in a healthy way.  I am not going to reach my 20 pounds of loss I had said I could do.  I probably still could, but I fear that it wouldn't be healthy.  So let us rally and push through the next 20 days.  Then we will do our benchmark WOD "Fran" and see if we improved.  I don't get the feeling I am going to.  Too bad for me. 


Clean and Jerk
Hand Stand Pushups

I am thinking I will go with 135 for C & J as it is only 30 reps.  I will probably do a test and choose from 115 and 135 depending how I feel.  HSPU I haven't done in a while. . . boo.  I don't know why I forgot.  I think going to the gym hurts me as they don't do many HSPU there.  I am going to spend the rest of the challenge working on those too!


  1. I am going to get one of these workouts done today!

    The challenge of doing a WOD and sleeping was good for me. Even the food part made me REALLY think about the food choices I make. I must learn to eat without binging. Seriously, where does that habit come from???

  2. Yeah, I don't get where the propensity to binge comes from. I do it too though. I just need to try to go for a week or so in between episodes and then make sure I don't have anything to unhealthy around.

    For my WOD today I was called in to "run the class" at 9 AM at the gym. So I did the WOD with the "students"

    6 Rounds
    20 Situps
    15 Thrusters
    10 CF Pushups
    5 Box Jumps

    18:18 but I was stopping to instruct and also police children.
