Wednesday, March 28, 2012

First in Math

So the kids have this math game on the computer where they earn "virtual stickers."  There are rankings for each grade, for the school, school district, state and nation.  Family members can create accounts and merge with their child for a "combined score" as well as an individual score.  Parent points can help kids unlock new games, puzzles or challenges.  So I have an account attached to each kid.  Ione I have about three times as many points, but she does the best she can.  With Gwen I decided it would be fun if I tried to catch up to her.  So the last few days I have spent some time doing math.  I am only 100 points behind her now (2,635 to 2,535) and she doesn't like it one little bit!  She said "you have to stop playing, it won't be fun for me if you are ahead of me!"  Interesting perspective.  I was trying to score points not just to catch her, but to also help us be the "top team" in the school.  Instead of viewing us as a team, she is more worried about the head to head with me.  We are currently 12th in the school.  We were 86th three days ago.  If she let me I could get us into 3rd in about a week.  The top 2 spots are pretty far ahead, but I could do it.  I think they might pass out certificates at the end of the year for the top scores.  Her choice.  Ione and I will go for it! 

Anyway, I will give the WOD.  You can compete against me and each other or we can be a "team."  I like the team approach, but also trying to help "push" one another.

10:2 Thrusters: Pullups
8:4  Thrusters: Pullups
6:6  Thrusters: Pullups
4:8  Thrusters: Pullups
2:10  Thrusters: Pullups

Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. 6:47 The fact that the cardio was the limiting factor today doesn't bode well for the redo of our benchmark WOD in less than two weeks. I can do the thruters and the pullups without muscle fatigue. I can barely maintain my breathing though. I pushed as hard as I could with a couple short "catch my breath" breaks. 95# on the thrusters and ring grip for the pullups. Pullups were a little slower by not going wide grip, but my shoulder is far happier.
