Monday, March 19, 2012

Minnesota vs. Massachusetts

Okay, I know it hasn't happened yet and that it doesn't mean "as much" but the Universities of Minnesota and Massachusetts are on opposite sides of the "bracket" and both in the Quarterfinals in the NIT basketball tournament.  If they both win twice more they will play for that championship.  I just think it would be awesome as I love those two places and support the sports programs of those schools.

So, anyway. . . the WOD for tomorrow:

Every Minute on the Minute (EMOTM)
1 Kettlebell Swing
1 Sumo Deadlift High Pull with Kettlebell
1 Kettlebell snatch

Second minute do two of each, third minute three of each and so forth until you fail to complete all reps in the allotted time.

Post minutes complete to the comments please.


  1. I want a crossfit gym where kids are welcome!

    I did find one near my parents' place. And I will be using it when I get home in May. I hope they don't require any training before I can join. Not because I don't need the training. I just don't want to waste the time.

    clean & jerk 35#

    I could have done more on the clean and jerks. I am working with what I have, and I don't want to buy too much before I know what I really need for my do-it-at-home CF.
    I laughed as I typed hand stand push ups. HAHAHAHA. I did pretty handstands. And decided not to crush my head on the concrete floors. So I subbed push ups.

    My diet has been great for two days. My sleep was good last night. I had four solid work outs last week. I AM going to do this. And I am going to lose weight too.

  2. EMOTM today

    I made 7 minutes within the time limit and the watch mercifully chimed me out before I made my way through round 8. I finished it after time for a total rep count of 36 KBS, 36 SDHP and 36 KB snatch. I used the 44# KB because I figured I could eke out a little more than if I went with 53#. Tough work for sure, but the real limiting factor was the snatches. The other two movements didn't take long, but the snatches really slowed things down and made it so that you started the new minute huffing and puffing towards the finish.

  3. Six. At the end of my six round I was 4 seconds over. For now, it counts. Six.

    As I was watching YouTube videos for form and then swinging the KB wondering what I need to do to fix my form, I thought about the opportunity wasted last year by not learning more CF from the experts. Lessons learned. I hope.

    My diet today was pretty good. I powered through a pot luck/pizza lunch and just ate hummus and carrots (not Paleo, but not bad). And then I powered through chicken parm and pasta delivered by a friend and eaten with a crowd. I had a tiny portion of the breaded chicken and pasta and a LOT of salad.

    Do I think you NEED to know the details of my food intake? Nope. But I need to share. Accountability.

  4. I took the dog for a walk on friday morning, heres what it involved... First 1/2 mile there is a two cabled guard rail about 2.5 feet high. I jumped it twice between each post (while maintaining a brisk walking pace) the dog looked at me like I was an asshole. Second 1/2 mile, I had to pommel jump the metal guard rail (3 feet high) did it once every fifteen feet. Next 1/2 mile, hard uphill, trotted about 50-100 yds twice in that length. The last mile is broken with guard rails, and I did elevated (sissy) pushups every time I hit one, ended up with 45 pushups said and done. So I did about 50 2.5ft hurdles, pommeled over the next guardrail about 25 times, 45 .5 pushups, and walked about 2.5 miles. It took me about an hour. My dog wasn't too impressed, but he's kind of a dick like that. On a religous note, I recieved my bundles of tibetan prayer flags and they will be hanging proudly where the wind blows in my yard. I have always been drawn to high places, and these flags always put me in a good place. Foodwise I needed feta cheese on my salad. You need to bend sometimes in order not to break. As far as motivation in the last few days I have been stuck on a Nietzche quote "Sometimes when you stare in the abyss, the abyss stares back." It has spun my wheels a bit mentally as its deep on about 75 levels, and yet painfully simple. So here I am, staring, jumping, and walking. All the while my beagle looks at me like I am beginning to grow a second head. My dog knows more about me than I do. I just need to listen.
